Chapter One: Up And At 'Em

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Light spilled out from the window onto the bed where a body laid until an alarm rang throughout the room. The body moaned at the interruption, feeling the side table beside him and slamming his hand in the alarm. Just as he was about to drift off again a loud, sharp banging sound erupted from the door.

"Get up! You've got an interview remember?!"

Oh right. The interview how could he forget? The figure looked over at the clock, he wasn't running late so I put his head against the pillow for ten more minutes of sleep. The banging erupted again until the sleepy form screamed, "I"m awake! I'm awake! I'll be right there!"

That reaction seemed to satisfy the knocker as footsteps could be heard walking away and moving down the stairs. The form finally sat up and placed his feet on the floor. The boy pulled on his cleaned and ironed shirt, tie and pants, rushingly looking at his blonde hair in the mirror. He combed it through and settled on the style before bounding downstairs. The smell of bacon, eggs and hashbrowns wafted around the main floor, too bad the male wasn't hungry. Eating a couple bites anyway, he moved more quickly to the sitting room.

"You know what you're supposed to say right?"

"I've practiced a thousand times, yes, I know. I've got this and I'll get the job, I'm the most qualified anyway."

"Let's go over one more time, this is serious. If you don't get hired it'll look bad not only for our family name, but the company. How else are we supposed to eventually control our rival?"

"We won't, but fine, I'll do it one more time Father."


On the other side of town there was also a boy with blonde hair, but he passed out on the couch of a small, messy apartment with papers scattered on the coffee table beside a dead laptop. The phone in his pocket rang waking him up suddenly and making him fall to the floor. Fight or flight initiated, he stumbled back into the couch and answered the phone. "....Hello?" He said hazily.

A female voice came out of the device, "God, you sound awful. Did you just wake up?"

"Who's this?"

"Um, Alice? The secretary at the front desk that you pass literally everyday to the elevator?" The voice twisting in annoyance.

"Alice ...Alice! Shoot! What time is it?!"

"It's 7:34, are you planning on coming in today?"

The blonde quickly put Alice on speaker and ran around the apartment, stuffing papers and grabbing a clean outfit from a dresser in the back. "Yes! I'm sorry! I-"

"Fell asleep? Again?"

"Exactly!" The boy pulled on the clothing and stuffed the laptop in his bag with the charger already inside.

Alice sighed, "that's what I have this number for, to wake you up. I'll save you a cup of coffee, before all of it is gone."

With a rush he quickly sprayed some hairspray, fixing his messy hair. When the quick style was done, he grabbed the phone, switched speaker off and ran out of the apartment to the street. "I'm leaving right now, I'll be there soon."

"I'm sure I will; see you in ten minutes."

"Thanks Alice." He ended the call and ran until he was in front of the building, unfortunately, he was in such a rush he wasn't looking in front of him. Which is how he slammed into someone, making papers scatter all over the pattern floor.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" The stranger say going down.

"I'm so sorry sir!" he said picking up his papers and pulling the stranger up. However, he stopped for a moment, when he saw that he had ran into.... himself? But he didn't have time to gawk, and uttered another apology before going upstairs.

He sank into his chair and pulled out his laptop, plugging it in. "Wait, he didn't actually look like me right? I was just dizzy and I simply imagined it. Right, I just imagined it." He got to work after the mental reassurance, but it was strange how many people asked why he was idling in the lobby. He had to tell people that he didn't, but hey, he was used to saying he looked like other people or celebrities all his life.


The boy had since sat down from being knocked down, he knew he should have said more to reprimand the careless employee to run into him when he entered, but how could he? He could only focus on how similar they both looked, he pulled out his phone and called his father. He wanted to tell someone about this person.

"Father? I wante-"

"Have you completed the interview already?"

"Well, no, but someone ran straight into me when I walked in."

"Why are you concerned about a reckless peasant? You should be worrying about more important matters like the interview."

"Well, he looked exactly like me."

"Exactly..? There's no way- oh I understand. Don't worry about the peasant, he is only pretending to be like you in an attempt to seem superior."

"Oh that makes sense. I guess you're right."

"Of course I'm right, now focus on that interview, remember this is for the growth of AppleSoft, I have high expectations for you."

"Of course Father."

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