Chapter 2: Lunch

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The next day at school was torture. Sabrina sat next to Lila instead of her. She ate by herself and went home by herself. She was even forced to do her own homework. The day after that was even more miserable. Everyone kept their distance and she could hear people gossiping about her.

By lunch she was sitting in the bathroom, sitting on one of the toilets sobbings.

Marinette and Alya stood outside the bathroom listening to her sob.

"I can't help but feel bad for her."

"Oh, no way, girl. After everything, she's put you through?" Alya scolded.

"I know but I can't help it. I know she's treated me like crud for years and she sided with Hawkmoth, but she still doesn't deserve the gossip. Trust me. I've been there." Marinette admitted.

"I know but-"Alya said trying to stop Marinette

"I'm going in," Marinette said confidently.

Alya sighed and followed, "For the record, this is a bad idea."

Marinette walked up to the stall that Chloe was in and knocked, "Hey, Chloe? Are you alright?"

"Go away, Mari-snot. I don't want to talk." Chloe said, blowing her nose.

"Okay...well, you don't have to talk, just know that I'm here if you want to," Marinette told her. Marinette turned around to leave.

Chole opened the stall door and walked to the sink, "I went off on Ladybug, she took away my miraculous for good, my parents are staying in Paris even though I told Ladybug that I was going to move to New York with my mom, and not to mention Sabrina shut me out because I sided with Hawkmoth. I feel so stupid. Utterly stupid." Chloe blindly opened up. She turned to Marinette, "I have nothing. I'm jealous of you, Marinette. You have everything. Loving parents, an overwhelming number of friends, and more importantly, you have Adrien."

"But you have him too." Mari tried to console her.

"But not in the way you do. You have him differently than I do. He and I grew up together. We're practically forced to be friends. But, no. We're more like acquaintances. I can tell he cares about you a lot. He just doesn't know how to show it correctly."

It was at that moment the bell rang, marking the end of lunch.

"C'mon." Chloe told Marinette, "It's time to go back to class."

Word Count: 400

The Venom Queen and Her King | a lukloe fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang