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I sit at the curb waiting for Wells to drive up. My phone had died after I had called him so I had no source of entertainment.

I fiddled with my thumbs until I heard a car pull up.

"Get in." Wells's voice rang out.

I jumped up and slid into the passenger seat. "Thanks." I said while buckling my seat belt.

He grunted in response.

I look at him and smile in gratitude.

My friends think that Wells is really hot. He got more of the Asian genes then the white genes from our parents. But apparently that made him more desirable to my friends. They're weird.

He had his hair cut parted down the middle and if I'm being honest he's lowkey an e-boy.

By the time we were halfway home I thought I could get away with this without any questions. But God decided to fuck my ass.

"Why were you at a party?"


"Caleb wanted me to go, he said he was taking me out for ice cream. Obviously didn't though." I muttered the last part.

"Why couldn't Caleb drive you home? He has a car." The annoyance in his voice was very evident.

"Because he broke up with me." I whispered. I didn't want him to hear me.

Wells is very emotional when things happen to me. I mean it's the older brother tendency, even though he is only twenty minutes older than me.

But he tends to get physical with people.

"What was that?" Wells asks.

"He broke up with me." I said just a little bit louder.

This time he heard me.

"HE DID WHAT? Ah hell nah," Wells starts to turn the car around and drives in the direction of Caleb's house. "This bitch is gonna fucking pay."

"Wells no! It's fine...I'm fine."

"Skye look at yourself, you're crying. Boys don't get to make you feel like this. I'm gonna beat his ass." Wells says, trying to defend his actions.

I hadn't realize I had been crying. I wiped my face on my sleeve and then I continued my protests, "Listen, listen. Breakups happen. I'll be fine. I'll get over him!"

Wells glances over at me, sighs, and then pulls over to the side of the road. He reaches over and pulls me into a hug, "I'm sorry. For the record, I never liked him anyways."

I laugh a little bit and then we pull away, "Yeah. You made that very clear every time he was over."

He smiles at me and then starts the car to continue the drive home.

When we get back to our house we both go back to our own rooms and probably fall asleep.

I didn't. I sat in my room and cried. Until I finally got fed up with crying so I went into Wells's room.

"Wells?" I whispered.

He looked up and saw me crying. His face fell.

Wells immediately stands up and wrapped me into a hug. "It's ok, you'll be ok. You're fine." he assured me as he held me.

I broke down even more and he held me cry.

Eventually he pulled away and I crawled into his bed because I was tired.

This reminded me of when we were little.

I use to have reoccurring nightmares after my aunt had taken us in.

Most of the nightmares were flashes of what used to happen when we lived with our parents.

Wells had to be the tough one during those days. And he still acted tough when we were removed from the house.

Every night when I would cry and scream, I'd crawl into his bed and sleep in there.

By the time I had fully remembered those days, I had fallen asleep to the sound of TikToks.

The next day when I had woken up I was still in Wells's bed. He wasn't there. He had probably left early to go to soccer practice or something like that.

Cause for some reason the school made soccer practices happen on Saturday mornings.


But I wanted my fucking ice cream so I decided to walk to the school.

I quickly braided my hair and then I slipped on a black tube top, a blue over sized flannel (yeah it's Wells's), and some light washed high waisted jeans.

I grabbed my wallet and phone and then I walked downstairs.

"Hey sweetheart. How'd you sleep?" My aunt yells, from the kitchen, when she sees me.

"Good," I say while walking into the kitchen and hugging her. I grabbed a protein shake from the fridge, "I'm gonna go to Wells's practice. He took the car, right?"

She nods, "Ok have fun," I start to walk out, "Oh! Your uncle took the other car so you're going to have to walk!"

I sigh a little bit and then yell an ok.

I knew I wasn't allowed to take her car because I'd be wasting gas and she's about to leave for work anyways.

My aunt is an attending at the hospital so she's always being called in.

But it's ok, cause her salary and my uncle's adds up to a shit ton of money.

I am very grateful for them.

But anyways I'm at the school now.

I walk towards to the field and climb up onto the stands to watch them play. Practice was almost over so I was really only watching them do conditions.

As soon as practice was over Wells walks over to the stands and starts talking to me, "Sorry about leaving you earlier. I didn't want to wake you up."

"No it's ok I-" I started.

"Hey! Hey Skye!" I hear a voice, that so rudely interrupted me, yell.

I look up... holy fucking shit it's the guy I hooked up with for a rebound.

This isn't happening. No way.

Not in front of Wells.



"Skye!" Mattia yells again. And then he's saying something to his friends and running over to me.

I roll my eyes, at least internally I did.

"Hey, it's nice to see you again." Mattia says, while smiling at me.

"Haha yup. Ok. I've got to go. Right Wells? Yup ok, let's go." I start to walk away.

"Huh?" Wells says. And then I hear him sigh and then he jumps the climbs the fence and walks along the stands towards the exit.

"Oh...ok. Bye then." I hear Mattia say.

Wells and I climb into the car and I close my eyes and rub my forehead.

"So uh...how do you know Mattia?"


I just watched so much greys anatomy.

My life's a mess.

I'm tired.

And sup.

I'm gonna take a nap when this gets published.

I hope you enjoyed.




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