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Disclaimer: This is a translation of the Chinese novel 长门怨 by Qiao Xi/乔夕 and not my own work.

Translated by: Catharcity

The breeze was soothing; the sun hung high in the sky.

Within the majestic walls of the Han imperial palace, some corners were chilly and desolate while others bustled with activity.

Perhaps you would never experience such loneliness. Because you are the Heaven admired by all the common people, the most desired man in the hearts of all women in the imperial palace.

I stood at the terrace of Changmen Palace, my gaze far into the distance as my eyes followed your figure.

At this moment, the affection within your eyes could not be concealed as you stared intently at Wei Zifu. I was not sad, neither was I angry nor jealous. Only, a coldness had sunk its claws into my heart, melding with my increasing hopelessness.

Slowly, I began to believe the words my mother had once said: the more you loved, the more you stood to lose.

And I – I have already lost you.

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