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I zipped up my bag for the long flight ahead and sighed before standing up straight. I turned and looked around my room... one last time.

I've lived in this house since I was five, so anyone could imagine the many emotions going through me.

I frowned, I guess this is it.

I grabbed my bag and hung it on my right shoulder. I walked towards my room door and stopped abruptly by the frame.

The writings on it made me smile a bit as I lifted my hand and traced my fingers over the indents that I made on the wood.

It had everything that happened to me written on there along with the date and my height. I looked at the most recent one,


As I trailed my eyes down I smiled at the most memorable ones, I had a lot of good stuff happen to me throughout the years.



I grinned at that one, my dad wasn't so happy about it. He was there the whole time with my uncle, spying on us.


I remembered being so proud of him, he told me I was his motivation and I still am to this day. My eyes trailed down before I started squatting to see the dates at eye-level.

All of them were good, I remembered being so happy. My fingers froze and my smile dropped at the one that was next.

'mother died - 01/0X'

It's been a couple years and I grew up, her death took the biggest toll on me throughout the years and I was sad because of it. But I was also mad that she wasn't present through my greatest achievements.

I grabbed a pen out of my bag and placed it beside my feet. I put my back against the frame and recorded my height.

I haven't grown as much since last time but I had enough space for a new entry. I wrote the words in pen and stepped back to admire it.

'Moved back to South Korea - 08/XX'

I sighed and put my bag back on before walking out of my bedroom forever. I walked through the hallway and down the stairs.

Everyone from my neighborhood, family friends, my dad's coworkers and my friends were here to wish us both a farewell before we travel across the world.

I got to the front door that was opened and saw all of them waiting outside.

"Leah, you ready?" My dad asked while his cheeks were being squished by our neighbor. She was an elderly lady we respected and she always had a crush on him, him and his dimples.

"Yeah, one second" I called out as I turned around for one last look. I looked at the empty walls that were once taken over by family portraits.

I sighed and looked at the empty living room and the once lively kitchen.

I'm sure going to miss it here.

I turned back around and walked out, all those years of living here were coming to an end and I wasn't ready.

I closed the door behind me and sighed.

I turned and was engulfed in a group hug by my friends. I sighed and hugged them back.

I pull them in for a final hug, "I'm going to miss you guys" I said trying not to cry, I've already cried enough.

After what seemed like a million hugs goodbye I was down to the last person, Coach Burns.

The Girl On The Boys Basketball Team | J.J.K.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ