Freezing at the sudden disturbance and the breaking of the atmosphere, Callie and Brandon stayed connected with his arms around her hips and hers around his neck, still tangled in his hair. Their lips stuck a few inches from each other’s with their eyes locked together; both scarily widened sharing alarming looks. Too alarmed and scared at who the intruder could be, they stayed locked in their positions, too deep in fright for the decency to straighten and separate themselves.

Lena was still stuck in place completely shell-shocked at her son and soon-to-be adoptive daughter. Questions pounded her skull constantly after each other concerning her children. Why are they kissing? How long has this been going on? Why did Brandon say Callie can get adopted if they were involved? What am I going to do about this? What will I tell Stef; “Yeah I know we are supposed to be enjoying are honeymoon, but I caught Callie and Brandon making out earlier, so can we kiss now? Oh god! Why are teenagers so complicated?

Jesus quickly got over his flabbergasted behavior and quickly moved passed the couple to drop the garbage in the trash can, just to stop when he was next to the two of them and said, “you should probably detach yourselves from each other now, it might get Mama out of the whole ‘shock’ of all this.” He laughed as he passed them after they flew apart once they found their heads, straightening their clothes, and with still heavily flushed cheeks turned to Lena.

Lena seemed to get broken back into reality when Jesus purposely slammed the metal top the trashcan. “What is this!? What are you guys doing!?” she exlaimed with a tone of voice the kids had never heard before. With Stef usually taking place as the rule enforcer and disciplinarian, raised voices and crazily angry looks are definitely in her wheel-house. Her reaction was more out of confusion than any other particular emotion.

“Well Mama, I believe we have interrupted either a little sneaky romance between these two weirdoes, or they could have been trying to merely eat each other’s faces, with a passion of a thousand burning suns,” Jesus exaggerated with the same joking attitude.

“Umm…we were…umm,” Brandon’s words wondered off of his tongue and he stopped talking completely, not sure of whether Callie really wanted them to fight to be together, or if this was just a moment they got caught up in with a lot of pent-up emotion between the two of them. His eyes fell to the ground after looking at the torn face on the girl he was just having a monumental moment with.

“We were…talking. After, everything that I’ve been going through… I just wanted to let him know how much I appreciated everything he has given up for the sad little foster girl that came into his house and all of your lives, just putting more problems and strain on your family; and with everything that he has done for me I just wanted to thank him in some way. The only way to do that was to tell him face-to-face how I felt without hiding behind the walls that he has miraculously found a way inside of, that all of you have truthfully, maybe just…a little…diff-rent-ly…” her rant finished with labored breaths and broken syllables whose beats matched the view her eyes followed, observing Jesus, Lena, and finally Brandon with a nervous expression behind her eyes that matched his, causing her cheeks to flood with brightness.

“Ah Dios Mio, I knew this would happen.” Jesus rolled his eyes and the expression on his face was unreadable as he mumbled the words loud enough for Lena to hear, who was standing next to him.

“Wait, what do you mean? You knew this was going to happen! Why didn’t you tell your mom or me?” Lena had an exasperated and “frustrated at the whole situation” kind of look.

“Whoa…I never said I knew this was happening! All I was saying was saying is that they are close, so I…may have slightly expected something was going on, but I didn’t think we would have to catch them making out for me to actually be right!”

“Umm…nothing besides this has happened before…” Brandon revealed in a voice that could be compared to a five-year old caught in the cookie jar late at night.

“He’s telling the truth. I got lost in the moment. He has been nothing short of the best friend I could ever ask for. With all the stuff that has happened, and all the he has helped me deal with, I don’t know; He’s everything any girl could ask for.” Both trapped teens blushed at her confession. Jesus of course, wouldn’t show it but he thought that this whole situation was kind of cute, in a chick-flic kind of way. He could only wonder if Mariana would save one of her fan girl screams for this type of moment. Lena, thought the statement Callie made was very sweet as well, but she still couldn’t see past this whole thing as a whole.

“Okay, if you two wanted to be together at one point or another, why would you agree to be adopted, or agree to let Callie get adopted and become your sister, Brandon?” Lena questioned them sternly with discerning eyes that crushed the bit of confidence they had in that moment.

Until the next chapter, everybody! Come back for Part 2 (:

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