Public Transportation

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So the other day, more like everyday, I was on my schoolbus, and me being the social loner enjoyed sitting at the front of the bus without anyone sitting next me.

Well, geuss what?

Someone sat  next to me! Some random kid in one of my classes. So he was just sitting on the edge, tryuing to scoot in closer to the seat, but what was really akward was when he tryed to get in so much that his leg was literally pressed up agianst mine. So me, be really consious about something called "Personal Space"  (its when you give people "PERSONAL SPACE") scooted over more into the seat, but do you wanna know what the guy did, he scooted in even more! And so by the end of the trip, all the way to school, I was pressed up agianst the window and wall while he was sitting like some pottbelly pig.  

The entire time sitting next to him, in my mind, I was just thinking "move dude, youre nearly half my size and occupying nearly 2x the space if me, so move it over or do I have to grab some imaginary tape and make an imaginary line to keep you out of my space, and you know what? why dont I grab an Imaginary Unicorn out of my pocket too while im out!"

I mean seriously can you not sense my discomfort here?


My Latest edition to my rants! im sure you peeps will enjoy it just fine!


1) pretend to be asleep when people start getting on the bus 

2) eat a fruit while staring out the window and listening to music ;D

3) Sing "Piano Man" by Billy Joel with your friends at the top of your lungs acting like drunks whilst people get on the bus (this is one of my favorites, I tried it before)

4) wrap your arms around your legs then wrock back and forth with yoyur eyes wide open, muttering  "no" over and over


1) tell them to scooch over

2) actually put tape

3) grab some crunchy food, and chew it messily, noisly, grossly and theyll scoot away from you on there own

4) scooch into them 


Well, I hope you liked this chapter! if you want more, dont forget to vote and comment, and if you do decide to try one of these methods, please , please, please, tell me how it went!

toodles!  @sleeveless_

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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