They're gai

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Dave stood up from the bed, the carpeted floor was warmer than his own feet, and took a breath, rubbing under his eyes with the pads of his thumbs. He yawned, a jaw popping sound as his back followed suit, and walked. He didn't have a destination in mind, more blindly following his senses than making his own decision to go somewhere specific.

Not that it mattered anyways, if he truly wanted to get somewhere fast he would have been there already, but he reveled in sleeping in and clung to the warmth of the house in lazy steps only inches away from the wall. He could recognize scents, being around the same type for years made him acutely aware of when it shifts and moves to another room. 

He blinked laungly once as the living room lights were off, unlike the hallway and kitchen where the lights remain on like some effervescent glow. Movement shifted his gaze from the lights, some recognizeable soapy romance on the screen, a jade blood grabbing some book off the top shelf dropped into a human woman’s arms, the roses fluttered around them and the overhead turned pink in those fake romantic moments, he really wonders when movie critics would stop making movies about his sister and sister-in-law for once. They met by Kanaya trolling the shit out of Rose, not by falling into her arms like a damsel in distress. 

He shifted to lean against the side of the couch, tapping into the red fabric with half lidded eyes that spoke more words than what he could physically speak. Karkat shifted up, hair a mess like always and the ever persistent frown softening from the nest of blankets he formed on the couch. He blinked, eyes growing wider and Dave can see the small ring of candy red forming into the grey of his iris, acutely able to see in the dark unlike Dave could.

“Thought you would sleep longer numbnuts.”

“Couldn't sleep without you Karkitty.”

“Dont get fucking sappy with me Dave I’ll break your glasses.”

His words had no venom as he moved, scooted up so Dave could drop down as Karkat plopped his head onto the human’s lap. Dave blinked at the romance, horrible debauchery of what Karkat would usually watch but he watched just to tell Rose and Kenaya about it, so he won't speak about it. And if Karkat was purring as he ran his hand through the troll’s hair? Well he wasn't going to talk about that either.

“Why are you watching the trash romances?”

“No romance is trash.”

Ah, that line, that sweet sweet line he knows like the lines of his palm. He’s heard it so much that he's almost slipped it off his own tongue when talking with the others. It makes him giggle softly, lips upturned as he looked down at the closed eyed blissful troll. He has heard Karkat call others trash before, a sharp angry hiss that cracked and clicked just like purring, but he's never heard it be directed towards himself.

Every time someone asked Karkat about him, if he himself was trash, hed go silent, lips pursed before kneading one side with canine and go “I don’t know.”. He thinks that's how everyone knew Karkat was in love with him even before he knew, and he didnt know for a while. Damn closet had a lock, and he had the key, just had to wait to slip it under the crack for Karkat to unlock it and set him free.

“Oh? What if we had a romance made of us like Rose and Kanaya?” His lips turned up, eyes crinkling at the corners.

“It would be disgustingly sappy, but not trash.” Karkat mumbled from his thigh, warm against his sweatpants.

“How come?” His brow twinged once, watching the slow motion scene of the troll and human kiss flusteredly.

“You’d be in it.” Karkat shifted to look up at him, his hair splayed around his head like a halo. And god damn if he wasnt literal fucking Troll Jesus in one lifetime.

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