Chapter 2

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Beep! Beep! Beep!
Alarm clocks, my worst enemy. I slowly got out of bed. God I was tired. How late did I stay up last night? After like 10 minutes of me just lying in bed I got up and went downstairs for breakfast.
"Mornin' Matt!" Mom said cheerfully, she really was a morning person, unlike me.
"Morning Mom." I mumbled, still half asleep. I cooked myself some waffles then turned on the TV. There wasn't much on, spongebob, shitty reality TV shows, and some other stuff I could care less about. After 20 minutes I went back upstairs to get ready.
I had a few nice things in my closet but mostly just t-shirts. I put on my 711 shirt, put on a pair jeans, and did my daily routine. Brush, comb, fall asleep for another 5 minutes, and wash my face. I grabbed my backpack and anything else I would I need.
"Bye Mom, love you!"
"Bye Matt, love you too!"
And I was out the door. I went outside to see Ryan waiting on me.
"7:39! That's a record!" Ryan joked looking at his fake watch.
I smiled and lightly pushed him "Shut up!"
"Well I mean ya did, your last record was 7:43!"
"I know man, I deserve a big ol' trophy on my shelf don't I?"
"I mean for something like that you also deserve 1,000 bucks! At the very least!"
Since the school was only like 5 minutes away we got there pretty fast. After we got there we just hung out during breakfast, Jackson joined in and we just talked.
"So Matt are you gonna do the drama club?" Jackson asked.
"Well... I'm thinking about it."
"C'mon dude you've gotta!" Ryan exclaimed.
"Well if you didn't know sign ups are on Wunt's door."
"Thanks man."
"Yeah yeah you're welcome."  We talked some more then proceeded to go to our classes. But before I went to homeroom I looked at the sign up sheet for the backstage roles on Mrs. Wunt's door. They had roles like curtain, making props, doing makeup, all that jazz. I stood there and thought for a minute. I saw Ryan's name, Jackson's, and some other people I recognized. The play this year was Romeo and Juliet, a classic but a bit overdone. I decided I spent enough time looking like a creep staring at a door and wrote my name down on the list.
"Matt Watson"

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