Chapter 16 - Who behind this?

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As usual Arthit and his gang come to the class this morning. When, Arthit go to his place. He found a letter on his table.

"Hey...guys. Look, there someone put a letter on my table." Arthit curious about that letter and started to called his friends.

"Really!!!" Toota said.

"Coincidence...I got too." Knott said while showed the letter. "Maybe from that freak again." Knott sighed and throw it away.

"What that letter said?" Asked Bright.
Then, Arthit open the letter and frozed.

"What's wrong?" Prem took the letter from Arthit's hand and read it little loudly.

To: Arthit

How was 'that' day? I bet you love it, right. Too sad that those guys was in jail too soon. I already warned you to stay away from Knott but you didn't listen. Beside, I don't thinked that Knott want a damaged things like you but whatever. So here, I want to give you little 'gift' that you may like it.

In the envelope, have a few photo of a few scene those guys pin Arthit down while rip his shirt. Suddenly, the 'nightmare' flashback and made Arthit cried. He was trembled and scared. Without the doubt, Knott grabbed the photo from Arthit's hands. He tore the photo and throw it in the dustbin.

" Why?? Who the fu*k are you? Show me your face?? What do you want from me???" Arthit shouted at his surrounding.

"Arthit...calm down." Bright tried to calm Arthit down.

"You not even at my place. Do you know how it felt having this kind of nightmare every day."

"Arthit its not what we mean."

" you guys want to TELL me CALM down." Arthit yelled at his friends. Then, he ranway from the class.

"Arthit!!!??" Knott and others called Arthit.

"I will chased him." Knott volunteer himself.

"I want too..." Prem said and Knott agreed it. Since, the college is huge with the help from Prem it would be easy to find Arthit.

" will be in class. If anything happen just Line us. I will tell teacher about it." Bright said.

2 hour has passed by but Prem and Knott still couldn't find Arthit. So, they made a decision to split.


Where is Arthit? I sighed. I tried to find him everywhere but still didn't find Arthit. Suddenly, my phone rang.

'Do you find him?' Asked Prem.

"No...not yet? I tried to looked around the college. But, still..."

'If I found him, I will tell you. Since he was the target of the pervert. We need to find him quickly.' Then, he ended the call.

"Kongbop..." I called my enemy. Why I need to asked help from him?

'Yes...Knott. I have a c-"

"Arthit missing..." I cut him.

'What? How? Tell me what happen? Are you hurt him?'

"Wha- no. I will tell you later...but can you help me find Arthit."

'Message me where you at? I will be there.' He ended the call.


"You're late."

"Do you think it sneaked out from class? What you waiting for? Let's find Arthit." Kongbop walked passed me.

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