[alternative ending ¤ guess what?]

Start from the beginning

He lunged first at his back, searching for the weapon and then just as quickly at her. He caught her foot as she tried diving away and Mina struggled, clawing at the cold ground.

She fought against his tight grip, her eyes stinging and filling with angry tears. Her heart was beating frantically and she was completely terrified but that didn't stop her survival instincts. If anything, it only heighted the adrenaline rushing through her and she ripped into his hand with her nails, clawing at him.

Thanos again threw her against the rubble but this time he held onto her foot, keeping her from getting away. As the woman fought against the restraint, laying on the floor, he put his foot on her stomach, pressing hard and she gasped in pain.

Ignoring her desperate claws at him and Tony's cries of protest, Thanos pulled out the knife that was still in his hand with a grimace. After staring at it for a minute, he brought it down and plunged it into Mina's heaving chest.

Time stopped. Everything fell silent.

For a minute, she made no sound, just stared calmly at the little knife protruding just above her breasts. Only when he drew it out and slammed it back in, this time a little below the first stab wound, did Mina scream, louder than she ever had in her life.

Blood had only squirted out of the wound when Thanos had removed the knife but now it bubbled up and seemed to flow out of her chest. Even as she made desperate attempts to subdue the ocean of red, it did little good and Mina was left choking on it.

Tony watched in silent horror, unmoving and unthinking. He could only stand there and stare, his eyes wide and horrified.


The scream was ripped raw from an onlooking boy's throat. As he watched Mina clutch at her chest, blood seeping between her fingers, Peter Parker's world seemed to slow down.

His vision went red and then normal again, his entire body tingled and then went numb. His mouth hung open and his eyes were big, almost golf ball size.

Peter's shout was lost to Mina, who was still trying in vain to stop, even just slow down the flow of blood. But Thanos heard and as Peter shouted Mina's name again, he threw the knife away from him, looking at the struggling and panicking woman in front of him in amusement.

Thanos stood back up, Mina's blood on his face and his hands but he made no move to wipe it off. Instead, he looked straight at Peter's horrified face, straight into his terrified and grief stricken eyes and grinned.

"You're going to pay for that." Peter managed, his body filling up with rage of his own. His eyes moved to Mina before snapping back to the Titan, who was grinning at him.

Mina gasped for air, her mouth inhaling buckets and what should've been lungfuls but the rest of her body seemed to refuse it and she was left panting. Her hands were squeezing her chest tightly, slippery with her own blood.

The blood.

Why, why was there so much blood? She didn't believe it was all hers, yet it kept pouring out of her, like someone had turned on the sink and forgot to turn it off.

She was freezing.

Which didn't make any sense, because the suit Tony had given her, the one she was wearing, was able to adapt to any climate and yet she felt like she had been dunked in ice water multiple times. Her body was shivering frantically, seeking any bit of warmth but there was none. At least none that came to Mina.

She tried to take control of her limbs but they wouldn't respond.

'Move.' She thought to her legs but they kept still, the only movement their insistent shivering. Her hands were clamped to her still bleeding chest, useless and non responding.

bite me!  ¤  endgameWhere stories live. Discover now