Loving you

359 13 5

Dedicated to a special someone................

In the absence of hope I will cling to you.

I will breath you in like the very air.

I will savour the taste of your delicious mouth,

the feel of your body moulded to mine.

I want to drown myself within your soul,

so far gone am i that i want to run SMASH, right into you.

I want to embed myself so deeply within the roots of you,

to tangle myself within your essence.

I no longer continue to see myself as one entity,

if you are not my other half.

For, i now know what it is like to be a whole,

how could one ever go back to being a half ?

It would be like breathing for the first time

and then being told to go back to holding your breath.


Loving you is what makes me happy.

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