Saying Sorry And The Promise

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The boys POV
I met a girl and bumped into her I saw her outside but however honestly..I'm starting to feel kinda bad how I acted
I saw the random boys and girl
talking crap to her didn't know if she saw but I wished I'd done something about it..
..Few Days Later..
They met up
Hello..Trisha..he walked to her
And kinda smiled
Hello Trisha replied with a smile too but felt sad Trisha..I wana apologize
How i acted I'm feeling bad
*Trisha forgave him*
What's your name she asked
As they shook hands
I'm Lucius .. Lucius Malfoy
He looked at each other
with a smile*they continued to talk and have conversations and know each other day by day by day .. there bond
Between them is unbreakable
Even When they where teenagers afternoon..
Lucius tells Trisha that he must go and he doesn't know when they'll
be seeing each other again it's a long road ahead but Trisha I have a surprise gift
for you..please close your eyes.
She closed her eyes
As Lucius places a butterfly necklace
around her neck
This is for you and my promise to promise to you
Is I'll always be here for you
I have the feelings for you Trisha and no matter how long the distance it is between us
Just know I'm always here
with you no matter what
I...I love you
Trisha has no words but happiness she places her arms around his they lock eyes as they kiss softly for the first time
They stopped kissing as then
they both parted ways and hasn't seen each other since
Pt3 soon I hope you're enjoying them so far
*I appreciate all the support*

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