Yosaflame x Sherbet :: I love you...

Start from the beginning

"Have you seen Sherbet, Etihw needs to speak with him" Wodahs explains placing his hand on her shoulder

"N....nah..." Grora blushes, obviously lying.

"Okay tell me if you see-"


Wodahs was interrupted by a large yell, from the bottom of the cliff

"Wh- what was that?" Wodahs questions walking towards the cliff edge

"NOTHING DONT LOOK DOWN THERE!" Grora panics, trying to save her brother

Wodahs simply pushes her aside and she falls to ground, Wodahs successfully peaking over the cliff edge to spot the two

Wodahs gasps, and a sinister grin grows on his face


Sherbet and Yosaflame snap out of whatever they were doing and look up to see an angry wodahs, they both gasp in shock

"No better way to please Etihw by killing her arch enemy's head demon" he smirked and spreads his wings, descending down the cliff

"No..." Grora staggers back to the cliff edge in defeat, tears welling in her eyes "poor sherbet...."

Wodahs lands down next to the unsuspecting two, and draws his sword

"Tsk tsk sherbet, I know you had a crush on a demon but this is ridiculous" Wodahs sighed and Yosaflame rose and deployed his sword also

"It shouldn't matter what I do wodahs.... you should only care about your self..." Sherbet growls

Wodahs chuckles, all while somehow still keeping his expressionless look on his face "it's time to be exterminated, head demon"

"I'm not going down with out a fight" Yosaflame grunts his cold glare returning "head angel"

"N-no!!! flame!"

With that the two head of sides clash, metal swords bashing against each other, scraping and grunting echoing across the canyon

All sherbet could do in this situation was watch this happen. He was terrified, the person he was meant to listen to, and the person he loved, fighting each other....

"Disgusting how you could work under such a bitch" Yosaflame grunts swinging his sword down onto Wodahs, only to get blocked.

"Disgusting how you could work under, my brother..." Wodahs Spits back attacking flame with his spear

The two threw punches, swung their swords and incorporated magic attacks such as fire breathing into their battle, sherbet stood there in pure shook

"Sherbet, you should be fighting this demon..." Wodahs explains, swinging at yosaflame again, yosaflame then counterattacking

"I...I can't... I WON'T! I DON'T WANT TO KILL HIM!" Sherbet exclaimed

The two beings freeze

"And why not?!" Wodahs turned towards sherbet a dead serious glare painted on his face

"BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!" He yelled, confessing his love to Yosaflame, at the worse possible time

Yosaflame sighs, he always knew sherbet loved him in a perverted "I wanna fuck you way" but he didn't know it was.... like that...

"traitor..." wodahs scowled "how dare you betray the divine etihw"

Wodahs shook his head in disappointment "I'll deal with you later... first I must deal with this filth"

Wodahs charges back towards yosaflame, the sounds of swords clashing against each other again

"I've gotta stop them..." Sherbet summoned his staff, and charged in to interfere, slipping between the two parties

"Sherbet. Get out of my way!" Wodahs growled

Don't make me hurt you wodahs..." Sherbet frowned ready to possibly cop an injury

"Sherbet... you are meant to be my ally.. but if I have to kill you because of what you've done... because you've betrayed angels by "loving" this demon...." wodahs sighs raising his sword "so be it"

Wodahs swings his sword, Sherbet preparing to block the attack, but all of a sudden, there was a strong force pushing against him, and he fell sideways, onto the hard gravel ground.






Sherbet recoiled and groaned after his fall, he got up arming his staff once again, ready to fight, but, the fight was already over...

Blood flew across the battlefield, staining the rubble, wodahs holding his sword in surprise, as the body of the head demon falls to the ground, as well as his decapitated head.




Sherbets runs runs towards yosaflames now corpse with sobs echoing through the valley.

Grora ,seeing all of what just happens, gasps and flees and Wodahs retracts his sword, sighing

"The job is done..."

Wodahs without saying anything else, flies away, leaving sherbet there, alone, yosaflame now no longer alive.

Sherbet sobbed, picking up the head of yosaflame.

"Yosaflame... I-I-I cant believed you sacrificed yourself... I never thought..."

Sherbet, despite the blood held Yosaflames decapitated head close, crying into his green soft hair.

"If only things were different... If only we weren't in a war"




*End of flashback*


Sherbet sighs, picking up the festering head of his beloved, and walks out of his room in the angels castle, strolling the eerie halls and out into the wasteland...

Sherbet continues to walk, reaching the graveyard, the final resting place of angels and demons, it was the only place where  no killing, no slaughter, or no battles were allowed, the shared graveyard between angels and demons.

Sherbet approaches flames grave with a sigh, placing his head on the gravel and picking up a shovel, digging deep enough until he found the remains of flames headless body

Sherbet took one last long deep sigh "... so... this is it....flame..." he kissed flames head and places it in the grave next to his body, then continuing to fill up the grave hole.

"Goodbye Yosaflame..." sherbet sobs for the last time and placing a rose on his gravestone

"I love you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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