The Café

518 15 3

Tomura P.o.v

I opened the door to the cafe hearing a jingle of bells. Warm air canceled out the cold as I walked in. The cafe was a nice shade of light orange. It was decorated with fake leaves in the colors red,orange, and brown. I love fall.

I smiled and walked over to the cashier. A nice looking girl with a half shaved hair cut with purple hair. She smiled at me "Hello, how may I help you this lovely morning?" I looked at the lanyard around her neck. There was a pin that said 'gay panic' on it with a rainbow. I had a small grin on my face "I'll take a warm coffee, 7 sugars." I said politely. The girl nodded as I handed her my money

I walked over and sat on a chair waiting for my coffee. I looked around examining the cafe and saw a boy with spikey black hair and what looked to be burns. He looked up from his phone and looked at me. My face turned pink and I looked away. I glanced back over at him and he was smirking. I shrugged it off and heard my name getting called. I got my coffee and went for the door.

I walked outside getting another gust of cold air but it being less harsh this time. I sipped my coffee and smiled. Warm. I walked to Toga's house that was right across the street and knocked on the door.

I heard the door click open and Toga smile at me "You're a sucker, you came to my house" she smiled looking proud and closed the door "keep up with your smart ass and I'll leave you next time" she giggled and punched my arm jokingly

"Soooooooo" she took out a pice of paper "What classes do you have?" I heard the jingle of the door to the cafe and watched the black haired boy going in the same directions us "o-oh," I looked back at Toga "I have uhm," I gave her the paper and looked back at the boy who looked at me again and my face flushed pink again and I looked away again

Toga smiled not paying attention to the paper "Who's thaaat?" She poked me and I shrugged "Dunno, just some boy"

Some cute boy, that is.

We first met (Tomura x Dabi)Where stories live. Discover now