Chapter 2

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I walked back and forth. I had only been in here for five minutes. I was beginning to become very impatient. I sat back down in my chair and watched Loki sleep away. G*D this is fun!

(My face------> -_-) I want him to wake up as soon as possible so I don't have to watch him. He was dressed in fine Asgardian clothing which in my opinion looked funny on him. His hair was black and greasy and his back was turned to me. I wondered if he was faking to be asleep. I was tired, Nick woke me up at six, and I went to bed a two because my sisters and I talked forever last night! It wouldn't hurt to take a little nap, would it? I didn't care, I was tired and that was that. I closed my eyes and leaned back on the chair and fell asleep...

Helen's POV

I awoke at nine in the morning to McKena gone. I wondered if Nick had her on a special mission or something. I yawned and got dressed in skinny jeans and a nice ruffled tank top. I poked Mariah till she woke up and glared at me.

"What are you doing?" she grumbled half asleep.

"Waking you up" I said with a smile "hey, have you seen McKena?"

"", why?" she asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Just wondering" I said "come on, lets go, I bet were going to get our head chopped off for being two hours late"

"Really?" she asked as she yawned "Nick's going to be so p*ssed off"

I rolled my eyes.

"I know that's kinda what I just said, now hurry." I hissed.

"Okay." she said as she rolled over and started falling asleep again. I leaned over to her bunk and sat on her. She didn't even care so I slapped her across the face.

"Wake up Mariah!" I yelled in her face.

"No! Don't do that again!" she said as she put her pillow on her face.

I got up and found a big bowl. I ran to the bathroom and filled it with ice cold water. I walked over to bed and poured it on her. She screamed and sat up really fast soaking wet.

"NOW WAKE UP!" I yelled.

"NO!" she screamed as she laid back down, this time lying on her stomach. I jumped on top of her and started bouncing up and down on her

"WAKE UP!!!!" I yelled.



"Hey Fury wants to know why-OOOOO DOG PILE!" Yelled Tony coming into the room and completely body slaming on top us. I could barley breath with his weight against my chest.

"Tony please gets off." I asked.

"I can't until you tell me why you guys are so late." He said with a small grin on his face.

"Mariah slept in too late" I said bearly able to breath and glaring at her.

He glared at Mariah "Shame on you!"

"I don't care, I'm not getting out of bed" she hissed folding her arms.

"Well, the love of your life is back" he cooed.

We both looked shocked.

"How do you know?!" she asked and then realized what she had said.

"I listened to your guy's conversation last night" he said still sitting on my chest.

"You're evil" I hissed.

"I bet Clint will be upset if your not there too Helen" he said.

I slapped him across the face.

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