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To work in harmony everyone must comply:

Follow @IceyPenguinEmpire, and add this book to your library and public reading list

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Follow @IceyPenguinEmpire, and add this book to your library and public reading list. You cannot miss the important notifications.

Then follow all members of the book club, especially the admin.


The admin will be choosing the "book of the month." (In any order they choose) 

🔹All books must be in English and have at least 10 chapters to be entered.

🔹You must have a separate reading list for the book club to showcase all the books of the month.

🔹Please give 5 or more constructive comments in each book, it will vary on how many chapters are published. Do not be rude, disrespectful, or try to bribe anyone. If you do you will be reported immediately. When you leave a comment on a book you must tag an admin. Authors are to inform us if members are slacking or not commenting at all.

If your book is selected first that does not mean you can leave, all book club members must read/help another person's book. (Remember this password: diamond frosting) That feedback will be deleted if you leave without participating.

If you fail to participate you will get a first strike, you will be warned, one more strike and you will be banned from the book club.

If you would like to leave the club you must send a message to EmpressPenguin (on Discord)at the end of the current month

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If you would like to leave the club you must send a message to EmpressPenguin (on Discord)at the end of the current month. You must finish reading the current book as you promised to do when you joined then leave at the end of the month!

Follow these rules and don't make us kick anyone out.

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The Icey Empire: Book ClubWhere stories live. Discover now