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A/n: kind of a re-write of a pretty old oneshot. YOU BET YOUR ASS IM NAMING A CERTAIN CAT AFTER A CERTAIN DRGAON.
P.s. (h/t) = home town.
Hc: one day a mysterious cat appears in your apartment, the boy who owns it knocks on your door looking for it.

Coming home from a quick shopping trip, and almost a trip into the staircase because of untied shoelaces, you happily sighed. It was pretty cold outside and you were happy to be home in the worm again. You walked down the halls of the apartment complex and up to your room where you entered to see your beautiful black cat meowing at you as a hello.

"Hello doom, yes I'm back" You cooed.

You put the shopping bags on the counter and turned your attention to your cat, who strutted up to you for pats.

"Yes, yes hello baby. And... hello random other cat I've never seen before..?"

Up jumped another black cat, fluffier as it had longer fur. It wore a red collar with a bell on it. The other cat walked up to you and sat down in front of you.

"Who are you kitty?" You laughed, holding out a hand for it to sniff. The cat decided you were ok and rubbed itself against your hand.

"Doom, when did you get a boyfriend?"

Doom seemed to be friends with this other cat as they weren't fighting or hissing at each other. How did he even get in? You did have a cat flap on the balcony door... maybe someone has been balcony hopping. You looked at the name tag on the collar of the cat and had a little giggle at his name.

"Toothless? I can see why you were named after the dragon, you have beautiful green eyes and such dark fur!"

You flipped the tag over to look for a number or address. There was a phone number but the tag had been a bit scruffed up and hard to make out. The owner must be someone at the apartment complex as you were pretty high up and you couldn't see a stray getting in.

Maybe you'd have to go door knocking later.

You packed away your shopping and watched the two cats play, they seemed friendly. They didn't mind sharing toys and the climbing post, they seemed to talk to each other though meows ams purrs. Doom had definitely invited Toothless in rather than him inviting himself.

Just as you finished up putting your shopping away there was a knock at the door. You went to go answer it, wondering who it could be. When you opened it, a tall, pale, tired looking boy stood before you.

"Hey, sorry to disturb you but you haven't happened to see a black cat around have you?" He asked.

"Oh so you're the owner. I think my cat invited him around for a bit of a play date" you replied.

"Oh good, I was scared he'd run off"

You gestured for him to come inside and walked over to the climbing post where the cats were hiding in one of the little boxes. You reached in and pulled Toothless out, who meowed the second he saw his human.

"He hasn't done anything, just played and meowed. I think he got in from the balcony" you explained, handing over the cat.

"There you are! You need to stop balcony hopping mister, you'll get yourself hurt one day" the boy told his cat, cradling it in his arms.

Upon seeing her new friend being held by a stranger, doom jumped down from the climbing post and trotted over to see what was going on. You picked her up and let her sniff the air around the new person.

"Toothless is a great name by the way" you smiled.

"Hey, someone gets the reference. What's yours called?" He asked.

"Doom kitty. Doom for short"

"Doom, I love that"

"We know our cats names but not each other's. I'm (y/n)" you said, holding out a hand to shake.

"Ryuzaki, thanks for keeping Toothless under control" he replied, taking your hand.

"I was just about to make something to eat, want something? The cats can continue their little play date for a while"

He accepted your offer, the cats running off to play with a sock Doom has definitely fished out of your laundry. You made some tea and broke out some cupcake, sitting at the breakfast bar as you chatted. Turns out Toothless hadn't wandered far, Ryuzaki only lived a few doors down. He said he works in law enforcement, which was pretty cool. Explained why he looked so tired too, crime never rests and neither does he. He and his cat shared something in common, jet black hair, his hair was thick and pretty fluffy. It kind of swooshed over, and his fringe definitely needed a bit of a trim. But he suited the 'just woke up' look.

He wore simple but comfortable clothes and had dark eyes, maybe grey, or a dark navy? You couldn't quite tell. You learnt he loved deserts and complimented your cupcakes. He learnt about you too, your job at a bakery as a chef, that you moved here from (h/t) and that you'd originally studied something different.

Something about that man was oddly charming, he was mysterious. Like he was hiding something, nothing bad, but something big. He intrigued you. And maybe you just had a bit of a thing for boys with black hair but he was super cute to you. If the cats were besties, then you'd definitely be seeing him a lot more.

You could already tell you'd taken a liking to him.

After a little more conversation, it had gotten pretty dark and Ryuzaki had to take Toothless home to feed him ams such. After an exchange of numbers, totally for cat related purposes, not because you wanted to keep talking to him, obviously. You got up to grab the cats.

"I get the feeling we'll be seeing a lot of each other because of our cats" you said.

"I think so. And now that I know you work at a bakery you'll be seeing me a lot there as well" he replied.

He sure did love his sweets didn't he? You picked up Toothless and gave him a little snuggle.

"Well it was nice meeting you Toothless, you could bring your human around a lot more, I quite like him" you smiled.

You watched Ryuzakis cheeks go a little red at your words as you handed him his cat.

"I'm sure he will, he's got a bit of a crush on Doom apparently" Ryuzaki replied.

"I look forward to it"

"It was nice meeting you, and thanks for the free food, it was good"

"Don't mention it. I'll see you later?"

"Definitely, Bye"

With that exchange, he left back to his apartment to feed his cat and work. You closed the door and walked over to Doom, giving her a pat.

"You know Doom, your friend might have just scored me a potential boyfriend" You smirked.

Meanwhile back in the halls of the complex, Ryuzaki walked up to his front door to find none other than his caretaker with a bag of case files for him.

"Oh there you are, I was wondering what you were up to" he said.

Ryuzaki unlocked the door and let everyone in.

"Toothless went for a little wander and made a new friend" he explained.

"Better keep an eye on him or you'll end up with kittens"

"If that meant I could see the owner more, I can handle that"

Watari was a little shocked by that statement. Does that mean his seemingly emotionless son figure had a crush?

"What's this? L is showing affection?" He teased.

"S-she's cute ok? And she has a cat and cooks for a bakery. She's basically perfect" L stammered back.

Watari shook his head, of course. That sounded like L's ideal girl, he hoped that L would finally get a girlfriend anyway. Friends and potential wives are something he was lacking a lot of.

"Oh and her cat is completely black and her name is name is Doom" L added.

"That's a great name for a cat"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now