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Prompt: L being so sick he doesn't even care anymore that the taskforce will find out about reader and him, so he straight up just comes downstairs in pjs, carrying an ice pack and just curls up in her lap without saying a word.

Your focus on your nightshift work was cut short when you saw the detective that had passed out on the desk next to you slowly sit up, looking lost.

"Sweetheart, you should go bed. You've fallen asleep on the desk too much" you said.

He didn't reply, still looking lost.

"You ok?"

"(Y/n)..." he said, in a small voice.


"Get some medicine... please"


Before you could get an answer he got up, running off. A hand over his mouth, trying not to throw up the second he stood. You had a feeling he was getting sick, he seemed paler, was complaining about the nonexistent heat, and seemed groggy all day. Getting up, you obeyed his request and went into the medics cabinet where you pulled out a thermometer, some medicine and grabbed a water bottle on the way too. As you walked back down the halls you could hear him coughing up his beloved candy. Poor boy, throwing up isn't nice.

You immediately suspected a fever. He kept saying he felt hot, and if he wasn't able to keep down any food it was pretty obvious it was a virus.

Opening the door to the bathroom, you found him weakly leaning against the wall, not looking very happy at all. You sat down opposite him and gave him a sympathetic look.

"I had a feeling you were getting sick, what hurts?" You asked.

"My throat, my head, my stomach..." he whined.

"You're obviously nauseous... what about ears and nose? Are they blocked?"

"My nose is..."

Yep, sounded like a fever. You held the thermometer out for him and he took it into his mouth, letting it sit until it beeped. When you took a look at the reading, it was just as you thought. He had a fever.

"Oh yeah, you've got a fever" you said, grabbing the medicine and reading the dosage amount for someone L's age.

Filling the little measuring cup, you handed it to him. He gave you a pouty look.

"It's strawberry flavoured"

He hesitantly took it and downed the whole thing, immediately looking disgusted.

"Some strawberry..." he scoffed.

You grabbed his hands and pulled him to his feet, handing him the water bottle.

"Drink something, and brush your teeth so you aren't stuck with the taste of stomach acid... then you should go to bed" you said.

"But we have-"

"No, work can wait. You're going to bed ok? You can sleep in my room if you want the air conditioner directly on you"

Knowing that he was too sick, and too tired to try and argue, he nodded.

"I'll go set everything up, and get you some shorter clothes, come up to my room when you're done"

You left to go up to your room where you set the air conditioner to a cool temperature, piled up some extra pillows and took off the extra blanket so he was cooler. Then you went hunting for some shorter clothes for him, with a temperature that high, he needed to cool off. He sleepily walked up to got room, taking the shorter clothes off you. You left to get one last thing, and ice pack.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now