Where the Track Splits

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Negan remains quiet as you continue. "He came back that night from a supply run. He had gotten him a little toy- I don't even remember what it was- but my brother fell asleep that night and never woke up. He just turned into one of those monsters!"

You wrap your arms around your knees and bury your head between them, trying to muffle your sobs. "I didn't tell him what I saw, and when we woke up he was already biting at my sister's throat! My stepmother went to grab him- to hold him like he was fine! Like she just couldn't believe her son was one of them. My dad was so in shock that he just stood there and I had to put him down!"

To your relief Negan doesn't say anything, he just pulls you into his arms, wrapping you in a hug. You rest your head against his chest and cry for what feels like hours, although you're sure it can't be that long.

"She picked him up and threw herself from the roof," you say weakly, your throat raw from crying. "My dad had to put my sister down, and after that… he just never seemed to recover. It was like he was counting down the days 'till he got bit. And when it happened, and he finally did turn, I almost let him turn me too." You wipe the remaining tears from your cheeks, frustrated by what comes next. "Matt saved me. He was able to put my dad down when I wasn't... He just happened to be at the right place at the right time, I suppose... kinda like you."

Negan chuckles at that, "baby doll, I assure you, he is nothing like me." He rubs small soothing circles on your back.

"Yea, I'm quickly realizing." You pull back just a little, smiling at him softly. Now that you're feeling a little better, you realize you should probably get up from Negan's lap. But he's still rubbing your back, looking at you with that charming smile. You feel your heart begin to speed up once more.

Without thinking you kiss his cheek. "Thank you for listening," you tell him as you pull away. His hands tighten around your back and before you can process what's happening, you feel his lips against your own. His mouth is soft and warm and gentle, just a press of his mouth against yours.

You feel his breath on your face as he pulls back to look at you.

"Too soon?" He asks softly.

"No, I just -" Before you can finish your thought he's kissing you again. His large hands move up to cradle your face. He's so much more gentle than you thought he would be, and all too soon it's over.

He tosses you onto the couch at the first sound of shattering glass. "The hell was that?" He hisses. He moves toward the kitchen, as another window shatters, its sound echoing through the house. A third window bursts and it's suddenly clear that someone is circling the house and throwing stones.

"Hey! I know you're in there, (y/n)! You done fucking around because I'm tired of playing games!" Your eyes go wide in surprise as Matt continues to yell nonsense, "if it weren't for me, you'd be dead! Or did you forget that!"

Another window pops and you can hear Negan practically growl in frustration as he grabs Lucille and swings open the front door. "You're really starting to piss me off, Shat! Here, I thought I was being a nice guy letting you live!"

Through the open door you can see Matt take a step back. 'Tsk, little bitch!' you think. But before you can dwell on it, you hear a groaning in the kitchen. Several walkers are pushing their way through the broken window, shattered glass cutting into their rotting skin.

"Negan! Walkers!"

You see Negan turn to look back at you and at the same time you see Matt behind him, lighting a Molotov cocktail. You barely have time to shout, as the cocktail is thrown and engulfs the front entrance in flames. You shield your face from the searing heat as the flames begin to quickly spread across the dried carpet in the living room. As the walkers manage to make their way through the window, you realize with sickening dread that you're becoming trapped. One of them reaches you, blood oozing from the cuts it received. Before you have time to fight it away, a figure leaps through the wall of flames.

"Let's go, bitch!" Matt hisses, plunging a knife into the walkers skull before grabbing your hair and pulling you up the stairs.

You're practically growling with anger as you shout, "get off 'f me!"

You try to twist away but all it succeeds in doing is getting Matt's hand tangled tighter in your hair. At the top of the stairs Matt begins to pull you toward the bedroom. You look desperately for Negan but all you can see is smoke and flames as they quickly engulf the lower level. You can feel the heat sting your face and smell the crackling sickening stench of the dead as the flames continue to rise.

"You know, after all I've done for you, you won't even date me. But here you are kissing some guy you barely know!" He yanks you into the master bedroom, tossing you onto the floor as he turns to close the door behind him.

On the chair you see your scarf, and reach for it. You wrap the ends around your hands, and without a second thought- before he's even turned back to face you- you twist the scarf around Matt's throat. He grunts in shock and tries to shake you from his back.

Your heart is pounding so fiercely that your vision starts to go white at the edges. Killing the living is so much different than killing the dead. Matt is thrashing beneath you, throwing heavy punches behind him, trying to buck you off. But with each passing moment he grows weaker, until he falls to his knees beneath you. For the briefest of moments you think about releasing him. But if he's followed you once, he'll follow you again. You tighten your hold on the scarf, yelling fiercely as adrenaline courses through you.

Suddenly Negan bursts through the door, a murderous look on his face. He stops short when he sees you. He's breathing hard, soot and ash smeared on his cheeks and through his hair. You half expect him to chide you, but he just watches in silence.

He watches as you finish strangling Matt, holding the scarf tight until his limbs grow limp. "We gotta go," he says quietly. But you don't move. He watches as you wait for the rebirth, and when it happens Negan moves to dispatch him.

"No," you say, "I need to do this."

Matt's infected blue eyes focus on you, and he lets out a gurgling growl.

Negan tosses you your axe handle, and watches as you bring it down over Matt's skull. The room is glowing red from the impending flames. Blood and smoke stain your skin, but still Negan doesn't say a word. Just watches you. You're not the girl you once were, and it both terrifies and excites you.

Little Savage

You both finally make your escape through the window. The woods surrounding the house are littered with walkers, lured by the sound of the burning house and maybe even your screams. As you reach the tracks, you try to fight the gnawing feeling of loss. The sun is just starting to lighten the sky, a soft blue haze the signals the start of a new day. Before you the tracks split, two different directions and Negan stops you with a gentle hand on your shoulder.

"Hey doll, listen." He turns to face you and for some reason he seems more open and yet somehow distant. Like he's preparing for something.

You don't wait for him to say it, instead you tell him, "so this is where we part ways."

He flashes you one of his patent smiles, and deep in your heart you know you'll miss seeing those. He points Lucille down the path of the track in front of you. "You continue on down these tracks, you'll end up in Nashville. From there you'll have to find your way North West to get to Seattle. It's a long trip," he sighs softly and you can't help the swell of sadness that suddenly washes over you.

He must see how sad you are cause he opens his arms wide. "C'mere," he says, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. Your heart is pounding fiercely, a part of you wishing you could stay with him, but you know it's not the right thing to do for you.

"You're stronger than you think," he tells you, pressing a light kiss to the top of your head. "And if you ever come across a little asshole like Matt again-"

"I'll bash his fucking brains in!"

Your reply earns a warm laugh from Negan and he hugs you just a little tighter. "I'll miss you, you little savage!"

The sound of walkers shambling near by force you to finally pull away from Negan. "I'll miss you too, asshole."

He winks at you before turning away and smashing the skull of the nearest walker. You turn around and do the same, making your way along the tracks and killing any of the dead in your way. You feel stronger than you ever have, and now with a plan to go North you feel unstoppable!

24 Hours with Negan (A Negan/Reader fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora