39. Curbside Pickup - E

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes. "You have never, and will never, be in my way an inconvenience to me. Haven't you learned by now that I love being around you?" When she was silent, I continued. "Exactly. Now what's your question?"

She sighed again. "Can I stay with you for a while? Like at your house? I can sleep on the couch or the floor or whatever, I don't care. I have enough stuff to get by on, clothes and toiletries and stuff, and I really just don't want to go back home." The words rushed out of her, like they couldn't get out of her mouth fast enough.

Maybe it would kill me, living with the girl I love and not living with her, but because I love her... "Absolutely, Pip. I don't even know why you hesitated to ask me that. You know you're welcome anytime for as long as you want."

This time her sigh was in relief. "It shouldn't be too long, Elle said I could come stay with her once she talks to her mom."

I gritted my teeth. I didn't want her staying with Elle, I wanted her with me. But, of course, I couldn't say that, could I? I decided not to argue and just gave an confirmatory grunt. "So, where exactly are you?" It was really starting to worry me now that she was sat on the side of the road in Los Angeles all alone in the dark.

I heard her shifting on her end of the phone. "Uhhh... next to the Gates of Miradero."

That was slightly relieving. That was a big area, so the chance of her getting kidnapped was marginally less. "Alright, I should be there in just a few. Stay on the line with me though, I don't like you sitting there all alone in the dark."

I could practically feel her eyeroll, but I stuck firm. "As you say, Mr. Bossman," she said, and I swear to God I've never wanted to kiss her more.

"Shut up, Pip."

"Make me, Theo."

Yep. This is what was gonna do it. This girl was going to kill me.

"I will and you know it, but not now. Right now, I need you to talk to me. I hate silent phone calls." And I want to hear your voice more. And I need to know that you're ok.

Fuuuuuck. I gotta chill with that stuff. If I ever let that slip to her, it's done. My chance goes from minimal to straight zero.

She sighed. "Alright. What do you want me to say?"

I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as I sat at a red light. "Whatever you want, this is your show."

She was silent for a second. "Can I ask you questions?"

I blinked. Didn't expect that. "Yeah, sure. Why not?"

"Yay," she squeaked. "Fair warning, these might get pretty deep."

I chuckled. "Go for it."

She sucked in a breath, clearly thinking. "Ok... Uhh... How do you toast your marshmallows?"

"Oh, wow," I laughed. "Super deep, Pip. Damn. But to answer your question: I have no patience, so I march straight up to the fire and light that sucker up, wait a second, then blow it out."

Now she was laughing. "Why am I not surprised? And by the way, I said they might get deep."

I rolled my eyes at her. Such a dork. "Alright, well what about you, huh? How do you toast your marshmallows?"

"Exactly opposite of you actually," she replied dutifully. "I find a small, small flame or coals and take my time until it's a perfect and crispy golden brown."

I chuckled. "That would probably kill me if I'm being honest." I heard her huff out a laugh and I continued. "I'm liking this, so what's next?"

"Ooo, ok. Uhh... What are you most self-conscious about?"

By Chance (Accidentally In Luck #1)Where stories live. Discover now