Help from the Unlikely

Start from the beginning

"Tora" Ian glared at his sister

"Fine" she sank deeper into the sofa

"What do you want to say Guru?"

"Let's find our purpose. Our real purpose..."

"And that is?"

Heavy footsteps could be heard all over the cave. Maruko and Rokkaku made their way back in and looked at the siblings.

"He's back. That silent freak" Rokkaku scoffed

Their attention turned to the main entrance of the cave. There, stood Seihou, holding in his hands Bow.

"Bow!?" Tora said with shock

He dumped him onto the ground. He was unable to move due to the strong power Seihou placed on him.

"You're going to our master" Maruko smirked picking him up tightly causing him to wince.

The TriTriplets looked at one another and stared at Seihou who had placed himself down in his usual seat. They looked at Guru, who smiled, beckoning them away.

"Master!" Rokkaku called out

"What are you doing old man!? This is my job!" Maruko squeezed past him as she held Bow.

Quaint footsteps could be heard, getting louder as she walked her way towards MonoChro. She made her appearance under the small light inside the cave. Bow struggled between Rokkaku and Maruko who had dropped him to the ground. He looked up towards her, her face visibly seen from the low angle he was at. His eyes widened.


It was a hot summers day now and school break was just beginning. The tension they once felt disappeared as they wiped away the sweat pouring onto their faces. As an apology, Ryoka allowed Kanae to play with her hair. Doing many designs from updos and braids.

"You know Kanae, you're getting better" Itose laughed

"Really?!" She squealed in excitement "That's great because Miss. Tanaka has been helping me out a lot!"

"We can see that" Ryoka winced as Kanae accidentally pulled her hair

"Oops! Sorry!" She said instantly rubbing the part she pulled.

"You kinda deserved that" Aone said as she drank some of her water

"Yeah let's not bring that up, it's part of the past now, we'll just grow and learn from it" Itose said taking a large bite into her ice cream "Ack! Cold! Cold! Cold!"

"Why did you eat your ice cream like that anyways?" Pabi laughed at her

"Not funny Pabi" Itose frowned followed with sticking her tongue out at him

"Your tongue is blue" Pabi said in awe

"Yours might be too if you eat like Itose" Aone remarked

"You all just going to gang at me?! Hm!? Okay, bring it on!" She stood up in a pretend battle stance.

"You guys look like you're having fun!" Somebody called out from the distance.

Their heads turned to look at who said that as the Pixhites hid.

"Asaka!" Aone smiled standing up to greet her

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