part 1

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We walked up and down the beach for hours, hand in hand. She then stopped and stared out to the ocean, "do you ever just want to leave?" she asked me in her quiet voice that i had fallen in love with. "Leave what?" i stuttered, i half expected it to all end there, the relationship that we had worked so hard on building, to go within seconds. "like just run away, together, wouldnt that be cool? just you and me, against the world," the way she then looked at me broke my heart, i could tell that this was her dream, i would've done anything for her, but this was one wish i was unable to grant.  "eve, you know i love you, but i cant leave my family and the band is finally taking off and....", "yeah i know, it was a stupid idea, im sorry, i love you too" she said cutting me off. We stood there in silence, eventually i broke it off by whispering just loud enough so only she could hear, "promise you're never going to leave me?".

I never got the answer to that question.


I woke up the next morning my head spinning, i was still shook up from the events of the night before, i didn't understand her obsession with mystery and wanting to start over, nothing could be that bad, could it? i clicked my phone on to display the time, 11:15 am, and i had two new messages, one from Eve, and another from James. James was one of my best friends, although i had only known him for a few weeks we had become incredibley close, "band practice at 12:00?" the message read, I replied quickly and went straight to see the message from Eve. I was almost worried to read it, i had almost convinced myself that she was going to break up with me, these past few days she just seemed different around everyone, almost as if she was living in her own little world. 

"Connor I love you, i hope you understand that this isnt because of you, im so sorry, i just need to clear my head, thats all, i'll be back one day i promise x x" 

What did that mean? Was she leaving me? Why is she sorry? I started to feel dizzy, my head started to pound. I started to crawl back into bed, but i knew i couldnt, i had to go and see her, just to put my mind at rest.

The bus ride to her house was the most stressful i'd ever encountered, I couldnt drive and i didnt want to wake my parents so i had to use all my spare money on the bus fare. I decided to ring her, but all i heard was a dead line.I started to panic uncontrolably. I tried to listen to music to calm myself down, the first song in my playlist came on, Alone Together- Fall Out Boy. We called it our song, because she was my world, the only person i'd ever want to be alone with, and i thought she felt the same way.

I jumped off the bus, saying thank you to the driver as i did so, I walked at a fast pace till i reached her small house in her crowded neighbourhood.

And thats when I saw it.

I saw the police cars.

I saw her dad break down in tears.

I saw her sisters confused face.

And thats when i realised,

she'd gone.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2014 ⏰

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