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beauty in its purest form

the wight rose withers worthlessly

surrounded by blossoms the color of sin

such beauty overlooked due only to fear,

fear of the thorns that pierce the skin

fear of the impending pain.

ti's not worth the bother to risk

rather to enjoy the beauty from afar

after few days of full blossom, 

the beauty begins to fade

the petals soft and delicate dance

as they drift along with the wind

the withered blossom left behind

bare of its former beauty 

no longer is it precious, no longer is it pure

but the routes  are firmly planted 

and shurely the beauty shall blossom again

perhaps with all the former beauty or more

something precious for the sin-full world to enjoy

for beauty is only shown when it is truly cherished. 


ok so it may be good it may suck im just bored so i wrote it and i felt like sharing so let me know what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2012 ⏰

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