chapter 2

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josh woke up laying next to his perfect fiance, he knew that she was perfect in every way, i hope she knew that too " babe" josh wanted to know what her reaction would be if he asked this weird question.

Eden stirred awake when she heard the sound of her fiancé’s voice. Her eyes fluttered open, finding their way to Josh’s as she turned on her side to look at him. “Yeah?”

josh couldnt stop thinking that eden looked beautiful and adorable hen she slept. " have you ever been worryed that i will love another girl some day" josh couldnt stop staring in to edens eyes. they were perfect

Eden thought about it for a moment, before answering. “At first, yes. But now? No, at least not as much as I did..” She trailed off for a moment. “Should I worry?” She questioned. She doubted it, but then a small part inside of her knew that he could do better. And Eden? She could do worse.

 josh knew that was the kinda of answer that he would get from eden " i will love another girl one day" josh was really hoping that would not break her heart by saying that

josh could tell that really hurt eden " hun?" josh needed to make this right.

Eden felt her eyes sting as the tears threated to spill over. She didn’t want to even look at him right now. All her fears, all her insecurities were coming true in what he had said. Did he want someone skinner? Someone without so many tattoos? Someone that was normal? She turned on her side, now completely away from Josh. She was contemplating packing her bags and just leaving. “What the hell would you say something like that?”

josh knew that he almost fucked everything up he needed to fix this now" eden, baby please look at me for a second"

“What?” She practically shouted as she sat up and looked at him. Eden didn't want to be so angry, but dammit she couldn't help it. She dared not look him in the eyes, she knew if she did she would forget all this ever happened and forgive him. But she wouldn’t let herself do that. After all those times he told Eden he loved her, and then he turns around and says that? It hurt more than can be put into words.

josh did not like being shouted at one bit he couldnt take it but he held it in " i will love another girl one day, and she will call you mommy and me daddy" josh tried hi hardest he knew he loved eden with all of his heart he could never love another girl like he loved her he could only love another girl if she was his daughter

Eden’s eyes shut when he said what he meant. She felt awful now. She had treated Josh awful, simply because he was trying to be romantic and sincere. Eden’s head fell into her hands as she tried to think of what she would say when she lifted her head. What could she say? There wasn’t much that would justify her over reacting. So, when she finally did lift her head, she just gave a simple, “I’m sorry.”

josh hoped with all his heart that, sayig that it would fix everything. " its okay baby come here can cuddle with your man" then josh opened his arms letting eden come and cuddle with him.

Eden’s anger and embarrassment faded as soon as Josh said it was okay. Eden leaned back to where she way lying down in Josh’s arms. She loved this. How she felt in his arms. She felt safe.

josh knew that eden was really angry when he exclained that he would love another girl one day he was just happy that she is happy again and they still love echother.

“Josh, what time is it?” Eden asked. She had lost track of time, and she had an awful feeling that she was late for work. 

" i think it is like 10:30 i dont know but i dont want you to go any where, cant you take the day off?"  josh didnt want to have his fiance to have to leave for work, she jut came home from work he doesnt want her to leave aagain

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