"Spider-Man!" you began to call before being interrupted by Ned's voice.

"He's not Spider-Man!"

"What?" you called up at him, seeing his body leaning out of the carriage, hands cupped around his face for you to be able to hear him.

"He's, uh Night Monkey!" He said, with slight hesitation.

"Night Monkey?" you yelled back, throwing your arms up in the air incredulously.

"Yes, Night Monkey!" Ned affirmed, "He's like a European rip off version of him!" You took a deep breath as you turned around once again to scream at the person.

"Night Monkey! Night Monkey help!"

He turned around, mechanical eyes widening as he saw you- "What!", then opening even further as he followed where your fingers pointed to Ned and Betty- "WHAT!?"

He shilly-shallied on his feet for a moment clearly pondering his next move. With one quick swift movement, a web shot from his wrist and clung to the side of the wheel. He jumped and swung in a direct line towards you. You heard the whoosh sound of the air as his body flung into yours. His arms wrapped around your middle as he hoisted you into the air. You felt yourself dropping, a curdling scream leaving your lips as the ground neared closer and closer. With a large yank, he let go of his web, slung another and grabbed onto it. You felt your stomach lurch as you were hoisted further into the air once more. The air rushed through your hair and around your ears.

Your feet felt solid ground beneath you as you were placed neatly on your feet. You observed your surroundings- you were now on the opposite side of the square, the monster still edging towards the metal wheel.

"Get out of here," 'Night Monkey' (or who ever it was) told you. You nodded, words failing to escape your mouth. "I don't want you getting hurt, Y/N." He said as he ran towards the Ferris Wheel.

Your brow furrowed in confusion. Did you tell him your name? You opened your mouth to call after him, but it fell of deaf ears- he was too far away as he lifted his wrist to propel a web at the wheel. Your mind was spinning- he was Spider-Man wasn't he? Or was he actually Night Monkey? And he knew your name? Images of Peter with a white substance flying out of him twirled in your mind, as did his stunt on the bus... Your thoughts were interrupted as you saw what was happening in front of you- The web he had shot didn't quite reach the Ferris Wheel, and it was stopped by, seemingly, nothing.

"What the hell- " you could hear him curse, as he flung his arm backwards, yanking the web. A silver object came hurtling through the air. You ducked as it swooshed passed your head. It skidded to a stop on the cobble stone. You ran towards it, delicately picking it up.

It was an unusual shape, and you had no idea what it was. However, it was covered in sticky white string in the shape of a web...

"Get out of here..." his voice echoed in your head. You turned to see "Night Monkey" crouched on the Ferris Wheel next to Ned and Betty, Mysterio still zooming around the monster.

Confident that your friends would be safe, you made your way back to the hotel, unknown silver object in hand, a faint ache in across your forehead, as your observations swirled uncontrollably in your head.


You sat in the armchair of the lobby of the hotel. Your hands were flexed across the wide arms of the chair as you watched your classmates return form the Opera. Soon after, Ned and Betty followed... but no Peter.

Mr Harrington announced that since there had been another attack, it was too dangerous and that you were all to pack your bags to leave to go home.

European Adventure - Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now