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" When bad things happen to good people. You start to question what is right and what is wrong."

Leslie took a deep breath as she stumbled towards her bedroom. Her hand firmly grasped onto the cut on her forearm, feebly trying not to get blood on the spruce wood floor.

Her head was pounding due to blood loss but she stucked it up and continued walking.
By now blood covered her Pjs, making her look like she came out of a horror movie.

Once her door was shut and locked she opened her desk drawer and grabbed a sewing kit.
This type of thing happened so often that Leslie kept everything she'd need for an open wound in her room. Everything from a sewing kit, rubbing alcohol, and boxing tape you'd see at the gym stashed in a drawer.

She sat on her bed and frantically tried to thread a needle, which by the way, was difficult because of her shakey hand.
One stitch after another she sewed her skin back together, the bright blue string looking out of place in her pale skin.

Once she finished the first step she grabbed the rubbing alcohol and poured some in the cut, whining and whimpering as she listened to her skin sizzle. The alcohol would clean it and make sure it didn't get infected.

Finally she grabbed the boxing tape and wrapped her arm, not having anything else to cover it properly.
Leslie reached over and picked up her phone from her bedside table, dialing a number as quickly as she could.

It picked up on its first ring.

" Lessy?" The voice questiond tiredly. Leslie had clearly woken her friend up which was no surprise as she looked at the time, seeing it was 3:45 in the morning.

" Z-Zach? Zach please help-" She pleaded, trying not to be too loud. " It's Adam he-" Before Leslie could finish her sentence she heard a car start from the other line.

" Don't worry Lessy. I'll be there with Denny and Quinn in less than an hour, be ready." That was all he said as he hung up the phone.

Leslie inhaled a breath of relief. Zach was always her Knight in shining armor.
Even though Leslie was twelve and Zach was sixteen-soon be seventeen- they had a bond like no other.

The two had practically grown up together, Zach was the one thing that made life beatable to Leslie.
Zach was four years old when Leslie was born, but the two's mom's were best friend's so they spent alot of time together.

Leslie took a deep breath and began shoveling clothes into a bookbag which was once full of textbooks. The textbooks now littered the floor but she didn't care, she couldn't stay there anymore. Once she had enough clothes in the bag, next came pictures.

Mainly pictures of her and her friends, but also a good amount of her and her mom. Some were just of her friends or her mom, Leslie nowhere to be seen.

The last picture she put in the bag was of Zach, her mother, and herself. It was the day Leslie had gaduated her junior year in highschool, getting ready for another year. She was smiling happily as Zach pinched her cheek, her mother simply laughing at the two joyously.

Leslie was happy.

The girl shook her head an zipped her bag, not knowing how long she just stared at the picture. She stuffed her phone charger in the front pocket and pulled on the backpack straps, getting ready to leave her room for the last tine.

Before she could lay a hand on the door nob, it turned. Leslie's eyes went wide as she watched her nightmare enter the room.

Adam stumbled drunkly into her roon holding a belt. His hair was messed up a considerable amount but what worried Leslie the most was the smell of scotch on his breath.

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