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"Ok, that was a lot more thought out than I expected from you JJ, welcome to the family." Harry walked back into the room, everyone following behind.
"Wait. You all knew this was gonna happen?"
"Yep, JJ phoned me this morning and I said that I'll book a private room here because you deserved a celebration. I messaged the girls whilst you were out and told them to encourage you to buy an outfit which clearly worked as you look like you're ready to go and buy the rest of the shop." I walk over and embrace Harry in a hug. He has done way too much for me and I don't deserve any of it. "I know what you're thinking about. You do deserve it, you put so much effort into looking after people, whether you know them personally or not. The things I do for you is how I repay you for helping me and giving me advice when I need it. And especially after what happened a few years ago with 'you know who', you deserve to be happy, nobody should ever have to go through what you went through."

We were all laughing and talking whilst waiting for our meals. I sat there, surrounded by my family. These people meant so much more to me than anyone could think possible. Only Harry knows every little thing about me but they all knew enough. Enough to know that I would always be there for them.

I've worked my ass off since I was little to be in a position where I am happy with my life and can surround myself with people who make my life a happier place. I once thought I had achieved that goal, but then my biggest source of happiness removed its mask and shown it's true colours. Happiness changed into depression and I wanted to leave. But I wasn't sure how, I didn't know if I should've just disappeared to a different country and have only Harry know my whereabouts or whether I should've ended it all and I would've been completely gone. But I couldn't do either, London was my home. There is the good... the bad... and the ugly. But that's life. Nothing is perfect.

Not forever at least.

almost forgot to post, oops

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