Chapter 2

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So im updating because im bored and alone. I hope you guys liked the first chapter because it took  a fudgin hOUR FOR THAT  SMALL SHIT. Excuse my french. ANYWAYS, IF YOU HAVE ANY LIZ AND NIALL PICTURES LINK ME TO THEM PLEASE BECAUSE IM OTPING MELODY AND NIALL SO HARD EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVENT MET YET. Anyways, hereth is le chapter 2 {haddie/hariana picture  to de siddee} OH AND THIS IS SHORT BECAUSE I  GOT HUNGRY K BYEEEEE.


I picked up a magazine that had One Direction on the cover. It had the caption 'Are you Harry's dream girl? Take the quiz and blah blah blah..'   shit on it. I read  an article on 'Haylor' *le shivers.* "You like One Direction?"Paul said. "Duh. They're the best band ever."I said. "I agree with you on that."he said. Woah. Holy crap, my uncle is awesome. "Agree with that, too.."he winked. Did I say that out loud? "Yes."he said. WOAH IS HE READING MY MIND. "We're here. And Maddie, all of those thoughts came out loud.."he said. I got my suitcases and we got into a limo. A FRICKIN LIMO. Is my uncle rich? We pulled into an awesome looking hotel with like 85685734 fans outside. What the hell? Anyways, we walked insude. But as Paul stepped out, the screams went louder. Kay den.. We went into our room and a male screamed "PAULS HOME!" and 5 boys ran into the room. "Paulll, im hungryyyy."An Irish accent said. Stood in front of me was One Direction. "Paul.. WHY IS ONE DIRECTION IN HERE WHAT THE FU-"Paul cut me off. "Surprise."he said. 

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