She loves me, she loves me not

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Author's note; This is a fictional thing that didn't happen in the show. If it had, that would've made Carulia somewhat canon, but unfortunately it didn't happen. However some of the chapters ahead will include stuff that happened in the show, so stay tuned for that!😄

Julia's P.O.V.

It's been a few days since I had my encounter with Carmen. After all I decided not to tell Devineaux that I kinda sorta like Carmen. I don't think he would understand. We are now with ACME, so Chase is intent on catching her soon. I for one think that all these crimes they're blaming her for are false accusations, that or she has a very good reason for doing so. Because her MO seems to be stealing from other thieves, but I can't be sure and sir "La femme rouge!" Is certainly no help, because I mean he doesn't listen to anyone. I just hope that I can see her again soon. Maybe we'll get to interact and maybe this time I'll be more articulate and maybe just a little  flirtatious. There's no harm in that.. I think. I wonder what she thinks of me. I just hope it's something good. Because I think that's she's cute and really pretty and I would love to get to know her better.  

Carmen's P.O.V.

"Player! Can you please tell me what you find out about her? Can you at least tell me if my flirting on the train was decent? Or if maybe she's said something about me after Ivy put the mic on her? I just need to know something! I'm DYING without knowing anything because apparently you people enjoy seeing me distressed and finally crushing on someone! It's not fun at all because I've never experienced this, and I never thought it would be for a girl! Player!! I really need to know something. Anything. I'm a clueless lesbian who doesn't know what's going on or what to do in this situation and whenever it's was happening all you were saying was "The lesbian nervousness and inexperience is off the charts!!" which just made me more nervous. PLAYER PLEASE!!" 

"Sorry, Red but we all find it fun to see you having feelings for someone and being an anxious wreck. We never thought this would happen, and you chose a very good candidate to become your future girlfriend. So I think I'm just going to stay quiet this time around and see you in action next time. Because there's bound to be a next time. She and Devineaux are constantly after you, so it's going to happen eventually."

"Did you say NEXT TIME?!?! If there is one I will die of embarrassment because my face will be as red as my coat and hat. Literally because it's bad enough that I caught feelings for the person that's trying to hunt me down along with her partner. She doesn't feel the same way, I'm 100% sure of that."

"More like 98% percent or something. While we were in the Netherlands, we went to get tulips and why did I hear you saying "She loves me, she loves me not" while picking the petals off? You sounded so happy whenever it was "She loves me" 😉" Player said suggestively 

"W-what n-n-no I wasn't you were the one saying that player. Quit imagining stuff."

"Sure uh huh. Why would I be saying that? I'm not the one who likes h-"

"Don't say that Player. Someone could hear you and I really don't want someone from VILE or ACME overhearing."

"Ok Red, but I mean you'll be fine the next time you meet up with her. Maybe even get a her number and go on a real date. No mics, no nothing, just the both of you at a romantic setting, maybe go to Paris for that one special night..."

"As amazing and wonderful as it would be, I think we're going to be a bit busy for now. We'll finish talking about this later."

 Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait on this chapter. I kinda didn't have wifi for days sooo... and I really wanted to update especially because I had a four day weekend. Some of the stuff in this chapter is foreshadowing, so pay attention and leave comments on what you think I might have foreshadowed.. I also want to tell you guys that I will be creating a new story for the One Day at a Time fandom!!!! It will be a Sylena fanfic for all my fellow shippers out there. If you're in this fandom I hope you read it when I publish it and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Until next time!!🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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