3. Stay >Sambucky<

Start from the beginning

Sam was behind him, hugging him close as he sobbed his eyeballs out.

The funeral was quiet.

They didn't tell anyone that Steve was dead except for close members only. Bucky and Sam attended the funeral obviously. T'Challa came with Shuri as a sign of respect. Clint and his family attended the funeral to pay off their last salute. Pepper, Morgan and Happy came along with Carol, Rhodey, Peter and Harley. Wanda came too with Scott and his family. Bruce, Thor and Valkyrie came in one group with Loki (who was suddenly alive).

At some point, even Wade Wilson came to the funeral. When asked, all he responded was, "He's been a great friend to me. That old man was my support." Meaning that Wade had known Steve while he was ageing down until the day he died. "He was a great man."

Bucky opened Tony's letter after the funeral ended, alone in Steve's room, sitting on the bed while Sam sat in the living room, watching the television, knowing that the former needed some time alone from everyone.

He took a deep breath and started to read the letter.


Sargent James Buchanan Barnes,

So... I'm not good with letters, taking my time to sit down and think about what I wanted to write, and feelings because I am horrible at that even after all these years but I think I'll manage it fine. I'm going to keep this letter as simple as possible just to convey my thoughts. Oh and if you ever receive this letter then that means I probably had already been dead that time.

To start off, I'm just gonna say that, it's fine. Really. If Steve Rogers were one thing, you're the other one. You're probably guilty as hell and blame yourself for my parents' death but the thing is you're not the one that killed them. The Winter Soldier did it but not Bucky Barnes. You were tortured and brainwashed. The one that killed my parents were not you, Bucky Barnes. So there's nothing to be guilty about, that's for sure.

Second of all, I'm sorry. Because I had never taken the time to get to know you well. I was wrongly accusing you of murder and I fought against Steve about it. Well, let's just say I thought hard and deep a few times. I should've talked to Steve about it instead of throwing the first punch. I could tell he didn't want to fight me at first but I pushed my luck. If I had my head at that time, I think we would've been great friends by now.

I mourn at the lost opportunity to bond with you and I apologise for that. You were a great soldier, Barnes, and a great friend too. I don't want you to live out there in the modern world without any knowledge that I had forgiven you and that it was all okay between us.

Last words from me, live a little. Try to find someone to date, go to a few therapies, socialise a little to have more friends and all that. It wouldn't harm you if you socialise, you know. When the time comes, you'll realise how happy you are surrounded by the people you love.

You're not an emotionless monster that you convinced yourself that you are. Stop believing in that crap, alright? You're going to be okay, Bucky. We're all waiting for you up here. We'll see each other soon but hopefully not too soon.

- Anthony E. Stark

P/S - You are always welcome to visit Morgan and Pepper anytime. I'm sure the two would appreciate it. Morgan would be thrilled to meet you.


Bucky closed the letter gingerly before setting it aside, tears that had longed streamed down his face was nonstop even as he staggered out of his room and towards the living room like a zombie. "Barnes?" Sam called out questioningly as the supersoldier went to curl close to the dark-skinned male. "What's going–"

"Hold me," Bucky sniffled. "Just... Hold me please," he said.

Sam was quiet for a minute before pulling Bucky into a firm embrace. "It's alright, Barnes."


"What?" Sam blinked.

"Call me 'Bucky'," he said.

"Then you should start calling me 'Sam'," he replied.

Bucky smiled genuinely for the first time, feeling the warmth that surged through his chest as he felt Sam placed a kiss on top of his head.

He's going to be okay. He will be okay.

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