Chapter 1

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The kids live with at there parents house but Brandon and Nick have there a place to them selfs

No ones POV

Brooke leves and goes to aldc with paige and chloe. Paige and Chloe what class do you have to night.Paige: we have tap, jazz, and acro. Brooke: kk I have to gave you something after dance to night. By the way when you r in dance I will not be there I have to help Abby out with a class to night me and Nick are in charge of a class but do not know what one it is.

Paige's pov

So Brooke was going on and on about how her and nick have to help Abby out with a class just her and Nick. She loves Nick................or does she love Brandon? When she was 9 her and Brandon both liked each other. Then one day Nick was in a dance with us for a Competiton. So because I did not want to hear her talk any more I texted Chloe.

Chloe's pov

I thought it was cute that Brooke was going on and on about nick. She so loves him just will not say it is true. Paige most NOT have thought it was cute because she texted me and said "Brooke should just ask him out this is so anoying." I typed back I think it is cute that she will not ask him out." Paige texted "No it is not because she will not ask him out. She wants him to ask her out."

No ones POV

Brooke: we are here.  Nick how are you? Nick: good. You should come over to night so we can hang out. Brooke: I do not know Nick. Nick: just come over. Brooke I have to be up early because I have a breast cancer benefit tomorow that will last all day and I am in charge of it so I have to be the 1st one there. 2 set up and have the food cooked and have every thing just right. Nick: Stay at my house and then I will take you and help you get it set up. Brooke: Nick I................................

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