"What's wrong with that guy...", SinB sigh.

"Yeah... such an annoying human being!", Sowon said.


It's 7pm. SinB finally headed home after a whole tiring day. She get inside her car and sighing heavily.

"Haish.... what a hard life...."

SinB unlocked her phone to see there's 2 messages from Yerin.

Yerin : Hwang Eunbi can you just come to my house?

Yerin : Reply my message you ice girl!

SinB slightly laughing with those messages from Yerin. It's really made her day.

SinB : No I can't~ I'm too tired today ㅠㅠ

SinB : Btw I'm a human being! Not an ice! Bye!

SinB put her phone down and start driving towards her house. Since it's past 7, many working people was on road, on their way to their home. So the highway is so busy.

It's almost took 1 hour 30 minutes for SinB to finally arrived home. She input the password and finally enter her house, bending her body like a zombie.

"Waaaaah..... so...... tired...... hmm?", when SinB want to took off her shoe, she saw another shoe inside there. But her mind couldn't tell who is it. It's a casual shoe btw.

Because she know, only her closest firends and families can enter her house without her permission.

"Nuguseyo....", SinB ask while walking straight to her bed. She didn't even care to look who's inside the house with her. She was just too tired.

"Ah..... I'm sleepy.....", SinB lie his back on the bed, while her body facing the ceiling. SinB tried to close her eyes.

"Who ever with me in this house... I will sleep. Goodnight....", she said and finally closing her eyes.


That 'someone' lying down right beside SinB, hugging her (almost like cuddling) with her face was right on SinB's neck. SinB was startled when she feels a hot air on her neck.

"Ah.... Yerin eonni... annyeong.....", SinB greet Yerin with her sleepy voice.

"I miss you a lot Hwang Eunbi", Yerin said between her hug. SinB still closing her eyes and hug Yerin back.

"Really...?", SinB ask.

"Then why would I come here all of sudden without telling you", Yerin replied.

"Did you think my house was a place for you to freely come and go...?", SinB ask with a little smirk.

"Aish! Then you want me to go home? You want me to never come here again? Ok then~", Yerin pushed SinB away from her body while pouting, but SinB pulled one of her arms making Yerin cannot run away.

"Hey hey where did you want to go hmmm?", SinB ask in here bold charming voice.

"Home", Yerin pout.

"This is your second home anyway. So just stay~", SinB pulled Yerin again into her embrace and tried to continue her sleep.

"M-Mwoya... SinB-yah you wanna sleep like this? Go clean yourself first! And eat! I cooked for you already", Yerin said.

"Wow you even cook for me. What a nice girlfriend I have here~", SinB said then she give a oeck on Yerin's forehead.

"W-Who's your girlfriend btw!", Yerin stuttered.

"Ahh~ maybe... wife?", SinB's words was aleeady enough to make Yerin's face redden. She slightly pushing SinB again and get up from the bed.

"I'll be waiting at the kitchen. You! Clean yourself!", Yerin said while pointing her finger to SinB.

"Ne my girlfriend~", SinB smiled.

"Gosh..." - Yerin


"So tell me about your day~", SinB ask Yerin.

"Well... Just busy as usual~", Yerin answered.

"Boring...", SinB said as she focus on watching the television.

"Well boring. But still, that also the way how you get to know me at first~", Yerin smiled.

"Hmmm~" - SinB




"So do you accept it?", SinB ask all of sudden.

"What?" - Yerin

"My feelings", SinB ask again and Yerin just answered with a simple nods.


"I accept it but I didn't say anything about giving it back!", Yerin shout.

"Mwoya... Suddenly playing hard to get...", SinB become annoyed and focusing back on the TV screen.

"Hey... You know that I will be the lead actress in a drama soon---"

"MWO?!!", SinB was shocked with what Yerin told her. No! Yerin cannot starred inside any drama!! SinB couldn't accept it!!

"It's just a drama tho calm down!" - Yerin

"What genre? Fantasy? Horror? Action? ROMANCE??!", SinB snapped Yerin all of sudden somehow making Yerin know what's going on with SinB.

"ROMANCE! Wae? Are you... jealous~?", Yerin smirk towards SinB.

"What? Jealous why should I?", SinB ask.

"Yea there will be kiss scene, a lot of interaction with the hero and so on~", Yerin still smirking.

"Why should I be jealous when I can do this to you anytimeI want~", SinB crawld on top of Yerin making Yerin startled.

"H-Hwang Eunbi I know what you---"


SinB kissed Yerin and finally pull away. Then she look at Yerin happily again.

"I can do it one time~", then she kissed Yerin again.

"Two times!", and again.

"Three times!", and longer, almost a 15 seconds kiss.

"Longer than the drama!", SinB finally stopped kissing Yerin and looking at her face in a teasing way. Yerin was red as tomato.

"I even can make your face that red. How proud am I~!", SinB smiled in victory.

"I will give it back to you...", Yerin spoke out of blue.

"Eh?" - SinB

"Your feelings! I will give it back...", Yerin answered shyly while looking at SinB.

"Really eonni!?", SinB become excited again.

Then Yerin wrapped her arms around SinB's neck, looking at her with unpredictable looks, and all of sudden she also pulled SinB's head, giving her a shocking kiss SinB never received before.

It's really long. A long kiss form Yerin, for the first time, to SinB.


- TBC -

Sorry for such a boring chapter ㅠㅠ

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