A second chance.

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Raven's POV: 

I heard 3 knocks on my door and went to answer. I was wearing a purle dress and purple high socks with the shoes i usually wear. As the door opened it revealed Peter, wearing a tuxedo he looked so amazing, i was looking in his eyes and he was looking in mine. "You look... astonishing..." He said while looking at me head to toes "You look so handsome." i said as i blushed "So are you ready?" he asked "I thought we said we would meet at the exit "I decided to come and get you from your room if thats alright." he explained "It's cool, so we are ready to go." We were going into the center of the city, we reached a restaurant wich looked... fancy. We got in and had ordered. "So will you try?" i asked him "Yeah, i guess i can give it a try." he answered giving me a smile "I'm happy to hear that. What has been going on the past week?" "Well, i've been lacking a lot of sleep, and i've been having nightmares almost everynight." "What do you see in the nightmares?" i asked him "Its... uh... i see people i love, like my uncle and Gwen, saying that i've failed everyone i ever loved." he said looking down at the table "That's because your mind is torturing you, you believe so much that those things are your faults and your mind is torturing you, mentally and physically." i said as a guy walked next to our table, he stopped and turned his head towards us, more specifically to me with a disgusted  grimace and said "Freak." but before i could say anything Peter was already up and grabbed the man from his collar and forced him down to his knees with raw power, then he leaned towards the man and whispered something to him. Then he pulled the man on his feet again and released his grab and the guy immedietly said "I'm so so so sorry ma'am." and run off. Peter sat down across me again "I'm sorry about that." he said "My hero.." i said holding his hand and he chuckled "What did you whisper to him?" i asked "That if he didn't apologise immedietly his head going through a wall would be the less painful activity of his night." he said, to be honest i wasn't really used to him beeing so... 'raw' but i kinda liked it. We had finished with our meals and got outside he told me that we would have to go to one more place and then we would return home. I could sense that he wasn't alright, he was pushing himself to do this, i don't like it but if he doesn't push himself he will never move on from his past. We were walking for some minutes until we reached the park "So the park, good choice." i said while holding his hand "Yeah... i had to do some research to find a good place, i'm still not familiar enough with the city." he told me as we went and sitted on a bench looking the sky. "It's beautiful." i said as i was lost in the thousands of stars above us, so lost that i didn't notice that he was watching me "Yes, it amazing." he answered "So, remember Rhino?" i asked him "Yeap." Peter said looking at me with a confused face "How do you think he came here?" i asked "I have no idea, but i will always have to be on look-out, because back in New York i have many guys that want me dead, so if they get here and find out im also here they will hit us with everything they have." He said while looking at the sky "Pete you are not alone anymore, i will help you, the Titans can help you." i said as i rested my head on his shoulder "I know you can." he said taking me on his lap, both o his hands around my waist resting on my hip and i rested my head just below his colar bone. He stayed like that for quite some time, to be honest i almost fell asleep. Until Pete's communicator cut us "Hey its Grayson, everything alright?" he asked "Yeah, everything is fine. Why?" Peter asked him back "We had some problems in the city, about thugs going around the streets with guns. The police said that they can handle it. Just keep your eyes open okay?" he told Peter "Got it Dick." Peter said but before he closed the communicator Dick asked him again something "So, before we hung up, how's the date going?" Dick asked but before Peter could answer i grabbed the communicator "Its fantastic Dick, also you did a great job with Peter's tuxedo." i said "Thanks Rachel." he said as i closed the communicator.

Spide-Man's POV:

We've been in the park for some time and decided to leave and start heading towards the tower. Well that was our plan before we heard gunshots. Dick said that the police could handle it and i don't mind that, but we can help so we will. I started to take of the tuxedo and revealed my suit underneath it.  As Raven said "Azarath Metrion Zinthos." or something like that and she got inside a purple bubble, as the bubble faded she was wearing her suit. "You were wearing your suit beneath the tuxedo?" she asked me "I always wear my suit, and i always have my gear on me." i answered as we started heading to the locationg we heard the gunshots. When we got there there were like 10 men having a woman pinned in a corner. Raven started to make a move but i grabbed her hand and held her back "What are  you doing are we not gonna save her?" she asked me kinda mad "If we attack like that they might kill her, we cant take the risk. I have made a little something about this kind of situations." i told her "what do you mean?" she asked "You'll see." i said smiling inside the mask. As i activated the web-bomb and threw one infront of them "What the he-" the thug got cut by the web-bomb exploding. It webed some thugs to the walls on the sides and some of them just got webed so they couldn't do anything. "That was cool. Okay i guess we should leave." Raven said "Not yet." i told her, i couldn't let the thugs who weren't webed on a wall free. So i jumped down and knocked them out. "You are really cold-blooded lately." Rachel said to me "I just don't feel the same as before." i answered,and it was true, after that day i r emembered everything im not the same. "So tower it is?" she asked me "Yeap". We arrived at the tower and went to our rooms, to be honest i don't expect a good night sleep, i haven't had one of those in a while but what else can i do in the night. As i slipped in the covers, but in my surprise my door slid open and Rachel walked in. "Oh hey what are you doing?" i inquired  "Well, i had a date with my boyfriend and i was told that he has trouble sleeping, so i will be sleeping with you, i can help you heal your mind. And sleep like a normal person." she said demanding so i just nodded and she slipped in the covers next to me. cuddling against my body and i took her inside my hug. It should be a good night and i believe that she could help me get some real sleep.

Addicted To You (Spider-Man x Raven)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin