The cable guy

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"Her Honor, Judge Clark," Peter said and dropped a photo of a smiling woman in a judge's robes on Neal's desk. "How does this nice face get a detective to take an early pension?"

Neal took the photo and looked at it.

"She must have a lot of pull."

"Clark deals primarily in probate law. Her last case was—"

"The Sullivan house," the kid filled in as he got the photo from Peter.

"Look at these." Peter handed him a set of photos of various homes. "Nine properties over the past two years taken by various banks. She presided over all of them."

His phone rang and he dug in his pocket and glanced at the display before he pressed to answer.

"Hey, hon."

"Hey," El answered. "How would you like to come home for lunch?"

Surprise lunch with his wife.

"I'd like that a lot."

"Good. I'm trying out a new caterer for an upcoming event. I would love your opinion on the food."

It suddenly turned into something less than a safe bet.

"Oh, what's the menu?"

"Well, samplings of pates, couscous... a lot of fancy stuff."

Did not exactly sound like his favorite dish, but a lunch with El was still a lunch with El no matter what they ate.

"You know how much I love... stuff."

"And feel free to bring Neal."

"Oh, that's why you're calling," Peter got the picture and sent Neal an eye. "You wanna borrow him."

The kid did not even pretend to be reading the case file any longer.

"I wanna borrow his palate," El specified. "And yours as well."

"My wife's inviting you to lunch," he told Neal. "Good thing is I get to come along too."

Neal's eyes widened but he did not comment.

"Food's ready so if you can come right away, it would be great."

"Sure thing, hon. See you soon." He pocketed the phone and gestured for Neal. "Let's go."

In the car, the kid seemed thoughtful.

"Something troubling you?" Peter asked.

"I need to ask you about Kate."

"I told you everything," Peter returned, wanting to cut it short.

"You didn't tell me how you contacted her."

"I'm a fed. If I wanna find someone, I do." Some are easier than others.

"Can you get a message to her?"

Peter relaxed. He was afraid Neal would ask him to arrange a meeting between Neal and Kate. He was cloven to that idea. And Kate knew how to contact Neal if she wanted to. Or could, if Neal's theory was right.

"I can try. What do you wanna say?"

"Tell her I'm starting to wonder if the bottle really did mean goodbye."

Peter glanced at Neal. It was a justified question, considering she had called Neal twice that he knew of and stirred up a mess.

"Neal, if I knew where to find her, I would tell you, okay?"


"Last time, I used informal CI:s and spread the word that I wanted to see her. I didn't know if she would turn up and I don't know where she stays. I'll do the same again, see what comes back, okay?"

White Collar - as an unofficial novel - part 4Where stories live. Discover now