Being sad was draining, which is why Gil always tried looking on the bright side of everything. They'd turned him down today...again. The hurt he felt inside always felt faint when they did but perhaps, because today was his birthday is the reason why it felt like there was a big, gaping wound on his heart.

A plate of fishcakes is set down in front of him, Gil blinking before raising his head up to the meet the eyes of the restaurant's only waitress. Uma never said a word to him but he'd been a witness to her being rude to customers many times. He's wanted to be her friend for years, feeling his chances of winning her friendship would've increased now that it was only him that came down to the shop and he didn't have his family here to distract him but he's been largely unsuccessful.

Well, she prefers that dopey, confused look on his face to the sad mask he's been wearing. "Normally, you order fishcakes so I thought I'd just go ahead and bring some over."

Gil deflates, sighing as he lowers his head. He hadn't ordered fishcakes today like he normally does for a reason. While he and his brothers had very little in common, they shared a common love for fishcakes. When he and his family used to come down here together, his father wouldn't let them eat the fishcakes until after everyone had finished eating. When he gave them the okay, the three of them really had at the fishcakes, scarfing them down without no care of being mannerly and all while ignoring the chastisements of their mother. They'd always play rock, paper, scissors for the last fishcake with the two losers always grumbling when the victor cheered and stuffed it into their mouth.

Coming down to the shop with his family had been the only time he'd ever felt close with his father and brothers. Although it was his birthday, he felt that requesting that his family come down here to the shop today as a birthday gift to him would be selfish on his part, since obviously they wouldn't want to come under normal circumstances. And besides, selfishness tended to make others unhappy and making others unhappy, especially his family is the last thing he wants to do.

Although, the fishcakes will go untouched like the rest of the food on the table, going without thanking Uma is simply out of the question. Raising his head back up, Gil gives the pretty girl a small, weak smile. "Thanks, Uma."

She thought the damn fishcakes would do the trick, Uma frowning even harder. She should chew him out for not eating his food, for wasting it like this but she won't risk making him even sadder.

"But honestly...the last thing I wanna eat today are fishcakes," Gil says sadly, bowing his head. "Being sad stinks and I know if I do that it'll just make me even sadder."

She can't make it look like she gives a shit about him, quickly coming up with the perfect excuse. Sighing through her nose, the waitress sits down across from the gloomy boy, watching as he craned his head upwards to stare confusedly at her. "Well, you're not just gonna waste all this damn food so I'm gonna sit here and help you eat it all."

Uma was with him? He smiles. Maybe he wouldn't have such a bad birthday today, after all. "Okay."

He's not completely himself again but light has flickered back into his eyes. ...Good.

"You always look so stressed."

She'd been in the middle of clearing a table when Gil had spoken to her, the young witch turning her head.

Gil frowns. "I don't like it when my friends are stressed."

...Friend? No one's thrown her for a loop like this in a long while.

Gil lights up. "I've got it! I could help you around the shop!"

She's only somewhat recovered from the bright-eyed boy referring to her as his friend but it's still not enough for her to give him a proper response.

"Pretty please, Uma!" Gil begs. "I promise I'll stay out of your way."

He just looks so damn earnest and his jutted out bottom lip isn't making denying him any easier. Rolling her eyes, the girl says, "Fine. But it's just for today."

I suppose there's room for one moreWhere stories live. Discover now