@janeybaby not your barbie girl 🎶🎶

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@janeybaby not your barbie girl 🎶🎶

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@janeislove you're so pretty

@IzzyJ of course not. You'd have to be made of plastic to be someone's barbie. You'd also need a boyfriend.....

@janeybaby first of all, @IzzyJ nobody is lucky enough to be as pretty as you amd have guys fall all over them. 2nd, we both know I'll never be made of plastic.

@Skyler she has a point, @IzzyJ

@IzzyJ I realize that, Sky

@taylorcaniff ZAYUM girl you is fine

@jackj you ain't lying, Taylor

@IzzyJ who the fuck are you two and why are you hitting on my best friend, @taylorcaniff @jackj??

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