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Aaron sat in his cabbin he built in the woods near the Pheonix Drop river. He built it so he would have a place to stay whenever he decided to stay in Pheonix Drop. He had a fire going to cook his dinner: pork and beans. It wasn't much, but at least it tasted good. He had been reading that book he took from Aphmau ever since he had gotten home. Why do girls like this stuff? I don't get it. Its so,............... JUICEY! He felt like a werido for likeing this stuff, but he was intreeged. He wanted to read more and more. Finnally, I was 20 minutes before he and Aphmau were supposed to meet in the woods for a fight. But he had to read more. He couldn't give Aphmau the book until he was finnished. He flopped his giant sword over his shoulder and walked out of the cabin still reading. He read the whole way over to meet Aph. 5 minutes before he got to the clearing where they always fought, he turned the page, and saw the finnal words- The end. Well, then he could give her the book back anyways. There wasn't anything else to read, so........
When Aaron got to the clearing, he saw Aphmau sitting on a rock, playing with her hair, braiding it and twisting it. He sat and watched for a second, admiring her beauty. He came out of the bush he was spectating from. "You ready?" He asked, making her jump a foot into the air. "Yup. Also ready to get my book back, AARON!" she yelled, and narrowed her eye browns in a challenging way. As if it were a way of saying, bring it on. She flipped her sword out of its pocket on her belt and did her ready stance. Aaron still had his giant sword on his back and was raising an eye brow too.

Aphmau lunged and took the first swing- missed. Aaron took the second swing and almost gave her a haircut. "Careful where you swing that thing." Aphmau said sarcasticly. "Same to you."Aaron smirked. The two swords hit eachother's top and slid. Aph took hers to the side and downward while Aaron blocked it. Aaron rose his sword above his head and slid it down-ward towards Aph and she blocked it from the bottom. They continued like this for an hour. Finally, Aphmau got into a positoin she thought she could finnish him off with. She was wrong. He blocked her and took her to the ground. She hit with a thud. Aaron's sword tip accidentaly sid on the side of her face. "AAAAARRHHHHHH" Aphmau screamed in pain. "YOU WIN OK?" She yelled. She got up and run to her backpack. She pulled out bandages. "Help me with these." Aaron took a cotton peice and placed it on her face and taped it down.

"Guessing I'm going to have to keep lying to Emalyn about taking a while to read the book." Aphmau said, hanging her head. "Acualy, I finnished the book on the way here, so you can give it to her if your not finnished." Aaron said. Aphmau was boarder line pissed off. "YOUR SAYING WE DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT FIGHT??!!" Aphmau screamed. "That's exactly what I'm saying. But wasn't it a good use of time? You looked like you could use a little action so I gave you a reason." Aaron said, acting like he had just did something for her. "Your right I guess." Aphmau said. She suddenly wasn't so mad at him.
"Did you eat dinner yet?" Aaron asked. "No I haven't. Proubly should've though. Maybe that's why I didn't win." She said putting her hand on her hip and laughing. "Well, I'm making pork. Wanna come over and have some?" Aaron asked. "Sure! I'm starving and you cook the best food in the world." She said, stomach rumbling from all the talk of food.

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