Chapter 1

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Joey's POV:

I walk into the coffee shop, only Phoebe and Rachel were sitting in our usual spot. They were talking about something, then Phoebe saw me.
"Hey Joey!" She says in her usual happy tone
"Hey Pheebs, hey Rach" I shrug, sitting in the chair
"Is something wrong Joey?" Rachel asked me, getting up to get back to work
"Nah, just a lot on my mind" I state nonchalantly
"Joey, I've known you for a long time, somethings wrong. What is it?" Rachel pressed
"Nothing, nothing" I waved my hand, trying to put off telling anyone. I never wanted anyone to know. Ever. Well. That's not true. I wanted everyone to know. I wanted him to know. But if he knows he'll hate me forever and I just can't have that.
Phoebe scooched closer to me "Joey, you can tell us we're your friends." She urged, I shook my head.
"Joey, why won't you tell us? Just give us a hint, just one little clue?" Rachel asked putting down the pot of coffee.
"Ugh fine.. I um.. I er like someone. A lot. Not even like, I love this person with every part of me. I don't want to tell anyone." I explain
"Like, someone you just met, a girl you've been sleeping with" Phoebe gasped "is it Monica"
I shake my head "no no, none of those things." I sighed and put my face in my hands. Should I tell them? I know they're my friends but I don't want anyone knowing!
"It's.. um.. also.. not a girl" I say quietly
Rachel rushed to my side immediately. It took Phoebe a minute.
She gasped again "Oh my God it's Chandler" she whispered
She looked down at her feet looking extremely guilty.
"Phoebe, what?" Rachel asked nervously
Phoebe looked at me apologetically before saying "I told him he should meet up with his internet girlfriend today"
I shook my head, "Pheebs that's fine. He'd never be with me, I don't expect him to stay single forever. He's miserable. He's so desperate for love..." I sigh and then whisper "if only he'd be with me"
Rachel rubs my back, "what about all those girls you keep talking about?" She asks "do you actually go and you know, do that?"
I look at her and laugh slightly "Actually, no. I end up talking about Chandler, I mean I don't want to sleep with them. And it's nice to be able to talk to some of these girls about it so I won't have it built up when I go home, have somewhere to kind of vent you know?" They nod "I really don't want anyone else knowing though so please don't tell anyone, not even Monica and Ross"
Just as I said his name, he comes marching into the coffee shop
"Hey guys, hi honey" Ross gives Rachel a kiss and sits on the couch, Phoebe gets up and goes to order some coffee.
The doors fly open "Where is she, where is she!?" Chandler asks nobody in particular "hey I have a question" he grabs Rachel by the shoulders "Where is she!!?"
"Hey calm down, she'll be here" she reassured him.
I wish she wouldn't, but anyone who had a brain and talked to Chandler, would definitely come. Doesn't matter married or not. I'd come in a heartbeat.
The door opens and Chandler freezes the gets up.
"Oh my God" he said
I looked up. Oh God. It's Janice. Not this bitch again.
"" she says
After that, nobody said anything. Then he walks up to her and kisses her. I felt like I was getting punched in the gut.
"Oh my God" Ross, Rachel, Phoebe and I all say at the same time.

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