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<..Kalia's POV..>

It's a normal day of school, period 4, next is lunch, about time. Gosh, this substitute, I guess he's fine, but it looks like TJ wants him dead. Hm. How about I do the dirty work for him! Might as well come up with a plan

I smile slightly.

<..3rd person POV..>

Kalia continued thinking as Mr. Smith kept teaching. Soon the bell rang, everyone got up to get ready for lunch.

Kalia opened her locker and put away her binder and water bottle, now she had to wait for a good time to go back to class.

<..Kalia's POV..>

I'm in the Cafeteria, now I can go back to my locker. I get up and leave.

At my locker, I put some rubber gloves and the knife. I dont know how I'm able to keep it in there, but nobody seems to notice it. Its wrapped in thin foam, it blends in with the inside of my locker.

I begin to walk to class. When I get there, I ask Mr. Smith, "could I get some help on this?" I show him the paper we were doing earlier.

He agrees to help me. Heh, stupid him, hes fallen right into my trap.

(Warning, gore/murder)

After a bit of him explaining number 5, the one I skipped, it take out the knife and stab him in the back.
He stops, I laugh. Mr smith looks at me while I continue laughing. I take the knife out and stab him somewhere else.

After a while, Mr smith looks dead. Make sure nobody was in the halls, not yet. I dragged him into the hall and left him there. "You werent that bad of a teacher, its just, someone wanted you dead!" I leave the knife with him and walk away.

I throw away the gloves and switch jackets. I go back to lunch. At least nobody seems suspicious of me....

<..Patricia's POV..>

Hold up, why is that girl coming back? What's her name? I think its Kylie? No, Kalia, yes that's it! Where was she? What was she doing?

I keep eating my food and think. Soon enough, the bell rings for us to go to the gym for "recess". I get up and throw away my trash and give the tray to the lunch ladies to clean.

Everybody rushes to the school building, our cafeteria is separated from the school, the middle school and elementary use it too.

Some of us go to our lockers. We all stop when we see a dead body in the hall.


(Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger, I dont have much time to finish it, next chapter will hopefully be soon! I'm in love with the plot, so I bet I'll be intrested in writing more about it)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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