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Jesse woke up with a sore back and blankets wrapped around him, these were possibly the softest blankets ever, they weren't his own, where was he? He looked up to see the woods and suddenly everything came flashing back, his day with Jack and falling asleep in the pile of leaves although Jack wasn't there anymore, he had vanished and Jesse was a little confused although what did he expect him to do, stand there and watch him sleep? Lay down next to him and sleep? Jesse didn't know but he didn't want him to be gone either and with this thought he got up and walked back to their estate, crawling back into bed with his new blankets and trying to achieve a few more hours of sleep before he was woken. Jesse spent the next few hours sleeping until once again he heard taps on his window, he got up to tell Jack that he actually needed to get his work done today but it wasn't pebbles hitting his window, Jack had shimmied up the drain pipe and was knocking on Jesse's window, he must have been able to see Jesse sleeping so this better be important. "what are you doing waking me up and climbing up the side of my house to do so?" he asked starting to get irritated at his sudden awakening, "first of all, this is not a house, it's a mansion and secondly, I'm bored again wanna go explore the other side of the woods?" he asked, Jesse was a little taken aback, couldn't he just go by himself? why did he have to wake Jesse up to go? "I really have to get my work done today, maybe next time?" he answered trying to hide the fact that he didn't want to go or did he? He wasn't sure but the one thing he was sure about was that he needed to get his work done or his teacher would kill him. "Aw you're no fun, what work are you doing? Maybe I can help," he asked as he tried to look over Jesse and into his room, "It's pretty easy, it just takes awhile maybe we can go out tomorrow?" he asked trying to hurry Jack out of his room, it's not that he didn't like him it's just that that uneasy feeling in his stomach was back and he didn't like it. "How about you do your work tomorrow and we go out today?" Jack asked and he looked at Jesse with his big brown puppy eyes, "Fine, give me five minutes and I'll be out," he answered and shut his window and curtains so that Jack couldn't see him changing and asleep the next time he visited.

Jesse ended up taking longer than expected to change and wasn't out for 20 minutes but Jack didn't mind he was just glad that he had persuaded him to come out and explore again. "Before we go out I have to ask you something, did you put those blankets on me yesterday? And why did you disappear?" he asked, "Yeah I did, you looked cold and I had them in my bag, and I had to go otherwise my parents would have murdered me," "thanks by the way, for the blankets, they were so soft and warm I kinda stole them, they're in my room if you want them back," he said almost bashfully not really wanting to admit he wanted to keep them, "nah it's alright you can keep them, I have heaps more at home, let's get to it and get this side of the woods done before dark, hopefully you don't pass out again, I don't have any blankets with me this time," he laughed and with that they spent the next 4 hours exploring the woods, covering all the ground that they didn't the day before. This time however didn't end with Jesse falling asleep in a pile of leaves dreaming of Jack's smile as much as he might have liked it to, they walked back to Jesse's home and said they're goodbyes before Jack turned around and left for home and Jesse walked to his door before beginning the journey to his room where he fell asleep wrapped up in Jack's blankets dreaming of their adventures to come

And that's chapter two, hope you liked it and I'll see you tomorrow.

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