She walked through crowds of students and up the stairs until she walked into the building of the school. Then, she was faced with crowds again and it almost made her feel dizzy. Thanks to the lack of sleep for forty-eight hours, of course. However, she managed to feel not so tired at the thought of seeing Peter again, to see whether he would ask her to this 'homecoming' event or not. She hoped that he would ask her to it, whatever that meant, because she thought that she would not be able to build up the courage to ask him.

Any nerves she felt before vanished the moment her eyes found Peter and Ned at their lockers, and she felt warm and fuzzy inside. She stopped in her tracks and she couldn't help but admire their friendship, a small smile creeping up to her lips. She watched how wrinkles would form around Peter's eyes when he would lean his head back and laugh, his eyes squeezing shut as giggles escaped his lips. She may not have seen Ned's face, but she just knew that he was the reason behind Peter's laugh. At least when Nylah is gone and in the comfort of Asgard, she'd feel a little better about leaving them behind. Peter and Ned still had each other, and they always will.

Remember when I said those nerves vanished? Yeah, well, those nerves came back the moment Peter's laugh had faded and his brown eyes found Nylah standing in the middle of the hallway. Ned turned around and followed his best friend's eyes, and his own dark eyes lit up with excitement before his feet began to slide against the floor in attempt to get to her quickly.

Nylah's lips broke out into a smile as she shuffled her feet against the floor with them until they met mid-way, where Peter's arms were the first to wrap around Nylah's body. Nylah immediately relaxed into his arms and buried her face in his shoulder, breathing in Peter's scent. Within seconds, Ned's arms were wrapped around both of them; and Nylah moved one of her arms so she could also hug him back.

"Please tell me that you're staying." Peter whispered against her ear; his blushing face already pressed against her cheek.

The group pulled out of the hug and Nylah could see that Peter was already panicking when she had not answered his question; but when another smile broke out across her lips, his body relaxed. Ned's eyes flickered between them; curious as to what was going on between them and why it was taking so long for them to realise their feelings for each other. If only both Nylah and Peter could know how obvious it was to everyone around them – they could not take their eyes of each other in a hallway in which hundreds of kids were walking past.

"Come on, Nylah, how much longer are you staying?" Ned practically begged with his eyebrows furrowed together in concern and his hands clasped together.

"Pepper would like me to stay until homecoming." Nylah's large smile faded away when she realised that she had not learned the most important piece of information yet; the date of the homecoming. "When is homecoming?"

Peter gulped and Ned's lips formed a wide and toothy grin. Ned's eyes were instantly on Peter, eagerly waiting for a 'prom-posal' to happen right in front of him. A part of him was devastated that he had not had enough time to plan a proper way for Peter to ask Nylah to homecoming. He thought it would be cute if Peter had gone all out – but homecoming was this Friday, and it was already Wednesday.

"Uh, homecoming is in two days, Nylah." Peter stuttered, almost regretting to not have asked her sooner. It had crept up on him so quickly that he had completely forgotten about it until now. "It's... it's this Friday."

While Peter nervously fiddled with his fingers as he stared at Nylah like he wanted to ask her something but could not find the words to blurt it out, Ned waited beside them with raised eyebrows. Being the youngest in her family and with only the power of healing, she was often over-looked by her kingdom and sometimes even her family. She would sit at dinners in silence while her family would either talk calmly or argue, she was used to observing. In fact, she had observed so much over her life time that she was almost a pro when it came to recognising emotion from others – despite that also being a gift.

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