eight • cindy moon

Start from the beginning

He nodded. "Exactly. You need to be more aware of your surroundings. If you focus only on where your webs are going you won't be able to see what else is happening."

"I'm trying." She sighed. "Is there any more faults I've been showing?"

"They're not faults, just mistakes. Mistakes that will be fixed. Nothing permanent."

She left the light pole and went to where Miles was. Sitting down with a huff she took off the cloth covering her face. "I'm not ready yet."

"You're not really supposed to be."

"When were you ready?"

He hesitated. "A couple of weeks."

Groaning, Cindy covered her face with her hands. "Why can't I get the hang of this?"

"It takes time. You're rushing something that needs to happen on its own."

They talked for awhile and Miles did everything he could to comfort her. It was just a lot for her to handle at once but she was in no rush to master every skill Miles had.

Cindy was her own person.
Silk was her own person.

Miles yawned. "It's late, I should head back."

"We both got school tomorrow so yeah we should."

"And I got a homecoming dance tomorrow."

Cindy raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Bringing anyone?"

His mind went back to Olivia. Right now she was sleeping away in their room not even aware that Miles was gone. The window was still cracked up which was his only entry point into their room.

"No, just going with friends."

"I know you got someone special, you have to."

"You're awful nosy."

She hit his shoulder. "I'm curious! There's a difference."

"No Cindy I don't have anyone special."

She paused for a few seconds. "You're such a bad liar."

He groaned and just laughed at him. He stood up and stretched. "I'll see you later Moon. Let me know when you need something."


He turned around. "What?"

She bit her lip. "When can I know your name?"

"Like I said, nosy."

She rolled her eyes and before she could say anything else, he told her.

"It's Miles. I'll take my mask off next time."

Her jaw dropped and he laughed before swinging away back to Brooklyn. She was excited that she finally knew Spider-Man's name. Something told her she wasn't the first but that didn't matter to her.

"See ya Miles."

2:45 a.m.

Miles got back into his room with ease. Closing the window very quietly he knew Olivia was asleep by how heavy her breathing was. Changing out of his suit, putting it away, and getting back into his pajamas he realized how hungry he was. He had been gone for several hours. Slipping out of their room he went to a vending machine and got himself a bag of chips and some crackers, he had some water in his room.


He jumped. Turning around he saw Gwen standing behind him.


"Why are you up?"

He looked down at his snacks and then at her. "I was hungry?"

She smiled. "Same. Now move over so I can get my candy."

She got a candy bar and a bag of cookies. Gwen was known for getting up at random hours of the night to go get something sweet to ease her craving.

"You're never up at this hour." She opened the cookies first. "Are you sure it's just because you're hungry?"

Gwen didn't know but at first Miles thought she was on to him. The only reason why he told Cindy his name tonight was because he trusted her enough. He didn't like keeping it from her that long anymore anyways.

"Yeah I've been up for about ten minutes and decided to get some snacks since my stomach was growling loud enough to wake Olivia up." He ate his bag of chips as they talked.

He thought it was a pretty good lie. Gwen laughed and seemed to believe it. "She can sleep through anything though. My roommate can too."

"Right? I'm gonna go back now though I really need some sleep."

She nodded, yawning. "Same. See you in class Morales."

Miles returned to his dorm and softly closed the door. He laid down in bed, putting his crackers on the nightstand. Olivia was still breathing heavy from her bunk above him and he was relieved she didn't hear anything at all. Within seconds he was asleep and it felt like seconds for how long he slept.

"Miles! Miles!"

He woke with a start. His eyes were heavy from the lack of sleep he had gotten.


"You're going to be late! Class starts in ten!" Olivia was already dressed and ready to go.

She was right. He had ten minutes before he had to be in first period. Somehow managing to get dressed, brush his teeth, and get his things from his locker he did it all without being late. The tardy bell rang just as he sat down.

"You good Miles?" Isaac asked.

The sleepiness went away as he was frantically running around his room to get dressed in time and also by running in the hallway. It would hit him like a truck later on though.

"Only got a few hours of sleep last night."


"Just couldn't sleep."

Isaac nodded. Miles laid his head down without intending to fall asleep but he did. The bell ringing woke him up.

"You need to go back to our room and sleep Miles." Olivia said in the hallway.

He listened to her. He told the people in the front office what he was doing so he wouldn't be marked as skipping. The minute he got back to his dorm he crashed onto the bed.

What he did for a living was tiring, but he did what he had to do to keep people safe.

And also teach others like him how to keep people safe.

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