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The Camaro's engine growled as I pulled through the school parking lot. Everyone stared. They've clearly never seen a decent car in their lives, fucking hicks. Max got out and skated off toward the middle school, still pissed I didn't drop her off. I didn't have time for that shit.

I flicked my cigarette on the ground before making my way to the office. The lady behind the desk handed me my class schedule, as well as my locker number and combination.

"There a basketball team here?" I asked, to which she responded with a nod. "Too late to join?"

"You can talk to the coach about that. He's also the P.E. teacher."

The classes were boring, but that was to be expected. Some of the girls were pretty hot, but mostly they were boring, too. And some of the guys seemed interesting, whether as friends or as people to fuck with, but again most were boring. The whole shit town was boring.

"This place must seem pretty dull compared to Cali," someone said, leaning across the aisle between our desks.

"That's putting it nicely."

"I'm Tommy H. This is my girl, Carol." He gestured to the girl sitting on his desk.

Carol looked like a fucking bitch and Tommy looked like the epitome of a lackey. But I guess you have to start somewhere.

"Billy," I said. There was no way we were going to be friends, but they didn't need to know that. If having a couple of little puppy dogs following me around made this Hell hole more bearable, then fine.

The highlight of my day was basketball. I talked to the coach and he let me join in for practice, saying we'd talk afterward. I'd get the spot, no doubt about it. The question was... How badly could I embarrass these hillbillies in one practice?

The best player on the team was a lanky kid with a respectable head of hair. Apparently he was Steve Harrington and he used to run the entire school, until he hooked up with a lame piece of tail and started to lose himself. Maybe I could bring him to his senses. Then burn his world to the ground.

Steve did not like me. But it only made the whole practice more enjoyable. I tried to give him a few pointers, but my delivery must have been off. He didn't seem particularly grateful.

Coach gave me a starting spot immediately after practice finished. I hit the showers and was soon joined by Tommy and Steve.

"Team's not great, but a few of the players show some promise," I said. Steve rolled his eyes and started washing his hair. "Hey man, you're one of them."

"Thanks," he said with the utmost sarcasm.

I considered asking after the girl I had seen the night before to see if she was a student, but didn't want to think about her in front of a team of naked dudes. So I finished my shower and got dressed before I said anything.

"Hey, I saw this girl last night, think she might go to school here," I said, pulling on my shirt.

"Yeah? What's she look like."

"Super long blonde hair, pale, amazing body..."

Tommy's eyes went wide and Steve started laughing. "Good luck with that one, buddy."

"What's so funny?"

Tommy toweled off his hair before answering. "That's Charlie. She's, uh... She's a handful. Little bit crazy."

"Kinda like you," Steve said. He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Except she's actually likeable."

I flashed Steve a smile. "You implying I'm not?" He left without replying.

"The thing about Charlie," Tommy continued, "is that she either has really high standards or very specific taste in guys."

"Or she doesn't like guys," I suggested. The entire room went quiet. "It was just a joke, Jesus."

My dad was going to fit right in here, with all his bigotry and hatred. If the reaction I had just gotten was any sign, this shit town seemed to share his ideals.


I saw Charlie the next morning before school, though it took me a moment to recognize her. She was sitting in a sleek black Chevelle, her booted feet propped out the window. She had dark makeup artfully smudged around her grey eyes, making them look wild and full of moonlight.

I strolled up to her car and lightly tapped her boot with a finger. She looked up from the book she was reading and smiled.

"Holy shit, you own a shirt," she said. Her smile was radiant.

"Unfortunately, I do," I laughed, causing her to laugh as well.

She pulled her feet back into the car and sat up straight. I bent down and rested my arms on the edge of her car door. The neck of her shirt was cut into a deep scoop and the pale skin of her cleavage almost glowed in the sunlight. She leaned closer to the window and I couldn't help but stare. She was stunning.

"So... Are you going to introduce yourself or just stare at my tits?" She didn't seem angry in the slightest. It actually looked like she bit her lip for a moment.

I chuckled. "God, I'm sorry sweetcheeks. You're just so gorgeous. I'm Billy. Billy Hargrove."

She smiled again and her face flushed pink. "I'm Charlie. And it's alright. You keep talking like that and you can stare at them all you want."

I wanted to ask her if I could see them without her shirt and bra on. I wanted to ask if I could touch them, too. If I could suck on them. Cum on them. My pants started getting tighter and I had to look away. God, I really needed to fuck somebody. Preferably this pale beauty.

"I'm sorry, that was too far," she said self consciously

"Oh, no, not at all. I like where you were going with it. Maybe... it wasn't far enough."

She blushed again. "I'm not that easy. I love a good lay just like anyone else, but you've gotta earn it."

I smiled and watched her melt from it. "Yeah, I've heard you're a hard one to catch."

Charlie leaned in close to my ear. "Impress me and maybe I'll help you with that hard-on." Her eyes flicked down to my cock and she bit her lip again.

I looked down to see if it was that obvious. It wasn't. Either she was looking for it or she took a lucky guess.

Before I could ask her out, the school bell rang and she fumbled to get her stuff together. I'd have to track her down later and ask. I wasn't sure what kind of date would impress a girl like her, but the sooner I did it, the sooner I could fuck her brains out.

Menace to Society *Billy Hargrove* Billy POVWhere stories live. Discover now