"Enough!" Valentine shouted as he walked in front of the Omega,
"You're an Omega and yet you're a fighter but there are things to work on like not letting Alphas fight for you." Valentine tutted at the girl,
"Get dressed. We have a lot to talk about." He commanded as he activated her iratze rune.


Walking into a small office, Indi fought the urge to ask about Jace, not wanting to give Valentine more ammunition,
"What do you want?" Indiana said tersely,
"Look, I know that head of yours is full of questions. So, go ahead. Don't be shy." Valentine prompted and Indiana broke,
"Where's Jace? What have you done to him?" She snapped and he chuckled lightly,
"Jace is fine." Was all he said.

"You know when I was younger the one thing I wished for everyday was my father to be alive. And now all I wish is that I can be the one to kill you. Ironic how things turn out isn't it." Indiana stated, looking at her father.

"Child you should watch your tone." He chimed in,
"Or what? And don't call me child, I'm not one." She growled lowly,
"You may not be a child, but you are my child." He continued,
"I'm not!" She roared ferociously,
"Calm down Indiana, save your anger for your training." Valentine smiled

Indi faltered,
"Training?" She asked,
"I'm going to make you strong." He grinned,
"Well stronger than you already are. Indiana you're special. Different from all other Shadowhunters." Valentine stated as he activated a rune, grabbing Indiana's arm.

Flashing of her pregnant mother ran threw her head along with syringes filled with a gold substance, ichor. Anger blood.

"You experimented on me?" Indiana gasped, her mouth dropping open in shock,
"I made you stronger, faster, more pure than any other Shadowhunter." He stated,
"You and Clary, but you took more. We didn't know it but in the womb you were dying and the angel blood helped you live. Without it you would have died." Valentine told the girl,
"Why? If you didn't know I was dying, then why?" Indiana asked in disgust,
"To create a perfect being, a perfect Shadowhunter. A Shadowhunter with pure angel blood." Valentine smiled slightly.


Waking up to a bucket of ice thrown over her head Indiana sat up fast and growled at Valentine who stood over her, empty bucket in hand,
"Training starts now." Was all he said as he excited her room.

Entering a training room not dissimilar to the one back at the institute, Indiana saw Valentine stood in the middle, two seraph blades in hand.
Tossing her one, which Indiana caught with ease, Valentine swung low at her feet and she jumped quickly before lunging forward towards his stomach. Training suddenly became very real. Valentine was quick to disarm the young, and inexperienced Shadowhunter, but this didn't deter Indiana as she leapt at Valentine tackling him to the floor where quickly landed three punches in succession to his face before he caught her fourth, bringing his foot up he gave a hard kick to her stomach hoping to dislodge her but Indiana was nothing if not stubborn. Staying on top of him she wrapped her hands around his neck and began squeezing tightly, seconds later hands grabbed her waist and threw her from Valentine. Someone had interfered.

Valentine grinned as he caught his breath,
"Interesting." He noted,
"What?" The Omega growled,
"When you do fight, your almost better than Jace and yet he always seems to fight your battles for you." Valentine stated.

Indiana knew the man was right, but it made Jace happy when he protected her, so what if she could easily hold her own, it made him smile.

 Little Red > Shadowhunters > Discontinuedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें