Chapter Nine

Beginne am Anfang

I giggled and hiccupped. "Yeah yeah yeah, yo fat ass want a twinky?"

We soon pulled up in front of the jail and fatass yanked me out of the car. He through me in the holding cell and I leaned against the steel wall, giggling. Women looked at me like I was crazy and some looked at me, with mean looks. Others, gave me looks as if they would eat me up.

"The fuck y'all looking at? " I slurred, giggling.

"That bitch drunk." Some girl said.

"Drunk as hell bitttchhh. You want to know what I had tonight?"

The girl sighed, "nah. "

"Well, I'm going to tell ALL y'all anyway. I had some mascotto, some vodka and some mixed drink. Ion know what it was, but I'm fucked up."

The girls began laughing at me, "She crazy y'all. "

I went up to the bars and started yelling, "Ay ay ay, let me make a call"

The guard looked irritated with me, "Ms, you only get one call. I'm going to need you to be quiet."

"Well, sir.... I didn't make not one call and I wasn't read my damn rights so let me out of here right now
."  The girls began laughing at me again, some shook their heads in amusement.

The guard stood in front of the bars, "Who arrested you?"

"I know you saw that fat black ass cop bring me in. Or was you to busy eye fucking an inmate? "

The guard walked away, and came back 10 minutes later. "He admitted to not reading you your rights, and since you haven't made a call... let's go!"

I smiled, walking out of the holding cell. I dialed Diamonn number, about to hang up but then she answered.

"Hello? " She sounded sleep . I know she was going to be so mad at me, but I was still feeling myself at the moment. Alcohol all in my system.

"You have an collect call from Jamaica at the Atlanta Correction Facilities. Do you accept? "

After that, we were connected. I smiled, about to speak.

"Jamaica Shavee Evans, what the hell are you doing in jail?"

I giggled, "Baby, I was drunk and driving. I only had a few drinks though. "

"Girl, Aint shit funny . I'ma beat your ass. I'm on the way!"

I giggled again, hanging up the phone. The guard shook his head, asked me some questions and put me back in the holding cell. 45 minutes later, I was being called for release.

I turned to the females in the holding cell, "POP, hold it down. "  They laughed at me.

Once I saw Diamonn, I jumped on her only for her to slightly push me off. I poked my lips out and begin giggling. Diamonn got in the car and slammed the door. I stood outside of the car like the gay guy from holiday heart, waiting for her to get back out and open my door. She started the car, making me laugh and giggle, I slid in the car and yawned.   

"Ion know what made your ass think it was okay for you to drink and drive, the hell was you at anyway ?" Diamonn begin yelling. I stretched my arms, placing my head on the car door window. "The strip club."

Diamonn began to say something, but she closed her mouth back. I was so glad that she did cuz I was bound to shut my little sleepy eyes at any moment.

The next morning, I woke up to see Diamonn staring at me. I sat up and immediately laid back down. I groaned, rubbing my temples. "What the hell happened last night?"

Diamonn rolled her eyes, "Jamaica, where is my truck?"

I squinted my eyes, not sure what she was talking about until I thought back on last night. "I'm so sorry Diamond., I didn't mean to get that wasted. I just wanted to have a little fun."

"Where's my car?" She asked again,.completely ignoring me.

"In front of Cvs, down the street from Cooty Kittens."

Diamonn grabbed her purse and car keys, and cell phone and walked out the house. I grabbed a pillow and placed it over my face, I felt like shit. I hated hangovers.

It's short, yeah i know, I just wanted to update before I went to bed .... Jamaica crazy man , lol .

Rip to the 21 year old female that died today, may God be with your 3 children that you left behind. It's a crazy world we live in.

Good night, babies.

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