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I want to close my eyes and have beautiful dreams, away from all this, away from reality and just be alone in my own world at peace and without any problem. I wish I could just close my eyes and have a peaceful sleep but I cant simply because I am Haunted by the dead

I toss once again in my bed and look at the clock on the nightstand and it reads 6am I couldn't sleep, I had a nightmares at night around 2 am and I couldn't sleep then. Its been 2 years now on that I started having them, after my father and cousin past away, anyways its a long story. I usually thought that maybe people make up this stories just to entertain us, I never thought anyone does really go through such hell.

I look at the clock once again and it reads 7:21 am, I stretch myself and get out of bed, today is my first day at university I got admitted The International University of Management and orientation is starting at 9 am so I still have an hour and some minutes to prepare myself for school and I hope its going to go well.

I take a quick bath and do my morning routine, I put on a black jean and a grey hoody with black sneakers and head out of my room when I enter the kitchen my mom was already there, and it is smelling coffee, my favorite smell.

"morning mom ?" I greeted her

"Morning love ?" she replied "I heard you last night, I just couldn't wake you up you told me not to disturb you anymore" she said

"Mom please don't start' I said to her

"NO I am just saying maybe you should consider therapy sometime, it can help you with your nightmares" she suggested

"Mom I love you very much but for the hundredth time, I am not going for therapy and we cant afford a therapist right now "

"What else can be worse than therapy its been 2 years now and they keep coming I just thought maybe it can help you"  my mom have bee forcing me to take therapy for along time now but I don't want to, I don't like talking about this and she know its a sensitive topic to me, especially to a stranger.

"No, no ,no I am not talking about this again mom please just drop it please" I said shaking my head I don't want to remember anything anymore its too hurtful and my heart is still fragile it keeps breaking every time I remember them,( my father and cousin)

My niece comes straight in my arms she always give us morning hugs she say you will never know when is the last time you will say goodbye to a person and she is right though I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to my father, or my cousin, she started doing this when her father past on(my cousin John)

"Hey you? how was your night?"I asked her

" It was fine how was your aunty? I heard you screaming last night are you still having those nightmares?" she asked

"Yes love, so now let us drop that topic you don't want to get old as your grandmother here is" I said with a smile, my mom turn to me with a scold on her face, I just laugh

"How is my favorite person doing this morning ?" mom greet Hanna while hugging her

"I am doing fine grandma" she reply with a smile, my heart warms at her gestures she is so adorable,and she acts older than her age she is just seven years.

Her mother moved to South Africa to start her business, God knows what business is that for her to live her baby behind .She left Hanna with John when she was just a year and months we took care of her since then, and we are the only family she have.

I didn't realize that I was crying " aunty why are you crying ?" Hanna asks me, but I just cant find an answer for her

I love this kid and am so blessed to be part of her life and I just wish I could have done something for her father to live, I could have told him that he has to live for Hanna, but I failed, I failed everyone my father, John, and even Hanna

"Am I crying ? "I didn't know I was I said not knowing what to say

My mother realized it also " She is just happy that she is starting university and she gets emotional sometimes my love its okay though" my mother rescue me with a sad look on her face she knows me better, when Hanna is around I mostly find my self crying just feeling pity for her sometimes and regretting not doing anything to keep her father.

"Aunty you should be happy that you are going to university its not going to be that bad you know, and you will make new friends like me, I met new friends at school Kate and Adam but Today is very rude to me" she said and I half laugh what can I ever do without this kid in my life

"I see, so you have a little admire then Hanna" my mother said with laughter

"No grandma Today is very rude and he picks on other kids too" Hanna said shyly

"Okay are you not going to tell us what he did to you ?"I ask Hanna

" He pinched me because I tell him to back off she" says and we all fell in a fit of laughter she is so adorable

"Mmmh okay I see" I say raising my eyebrows

"Time for breakfast or else both of you are going to be late for school" my mother says We ate our breakfast in peace and I head to school.

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