Chapter 1 ~The game~

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(N/N) = Nickname
(Y/N) = Your name
(L/N) = Last name
It was dark in her room. She starred at the computer, finally finishing the game, which she played for four weeks. A strange message appeared on her computer.


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"Congratulations. As a charismatic Let's player, you have been chosen to participate in a closed stage of the Ones within - Genome." The female turned her computer off quickly, feeling a shiver run down her back. "That's creepy..." stated (Y/N) in a scared tone. Feeling a presence behind her, she turned around, seeing a strange figure behind her. The last thing that she saw was a something with red glowing eyes, before everything went blurry.

 The last thing that she saw was a something with red glowing eyes, before everything went blurry

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Rubbing her eyes carefully , she felt that someone was calling her. "M'am! M'am! M'am!" She got up slowly, massaging her nerves so she wouldn't feel dizzy anymore.

After a while the world stopped spinning and she looked around seeing a boy with a bleeding nose and another girl who was hiding behind a tree, while screaming "What are you?! A Pervert?!" The boy tried to clear the misunderstanding and introduced himself "I'm Iride Akatsuki. I'm not anyone suspicious." (Y/N) handed him a tissue and replied with a kind smile "I'm (L/N) (Y/N) call me whatever you want A-kun!" Iride smiled at his new nickname, finding it cute. He stood up, holding one of his hand out. Noticing his actions, she gave him her hand and he pulled her up carefully, not wanting to hurt her.

(Y/N) looked at the other female and said in a reassuring tone "Don't be afraid. He doesn't seem dangerous! After all he was checking on us if we were alright! I do not think that a pervert would do that." Iride nodded quickly, confirming what (Y/N) said. "Yes (L/N)-san is right! I was just worried that you both may hurt yourself! I just did a check up!" informed Iride.

After solving the misunderstanding, the other female sighed loudly and apologised afterwards for jumping to conclusion. Iride accepted the apology with a small smile and told her not to worry about it. The (Your hair colour) female clapped her hand to gain their attention "Alright misunderstanding solved! But what's important right now is: Where are we?" They looked around, seeing that they were in a forest. She stood up and suggested, while she brushed off the dirt, which was on her clothes "Well it would be better if we walk around and scan the area for a bit. We may gain important information."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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