
After done cleaning herself at the shower room inside Yerin's bedroom, SinB then wearing the clothes that Yerin put on her bed. Strangely it fits SinB perfectly.

"I didn't believe I'm wearing Jung Yerin clothes..."

"I didn't believe I was in Jung Yerin's bedroom..."

"I didn't believe I took a shower at Jung Yerin's shower!"

"I didn't believe that---"


"SinB-yah! Are you done yet?", Yerin opened the room door all of sudden, looking at SinB who startled to death.

"Gosh... you almost making me get a heart attack!", SinB said to Yerin while trying to normalizing her breath again.

"Hehe sorry~ Let's go!" - Yerin


3 days later.

SinB was at the library, together with Yuju and Umji. They are busy to get their assignment done by today. But seriously, there's a lot to do.

Umji and SinB is busy typing something on their laptop while Eunha checking the details from books and notes they have.

"This will be the last line, then we're done", Eunha said to Umji while pointing the words from their notes, as Umji type the words again on her laptop.

SinB is busy designing their assigment front cover. The lecturer ask to make it lool amazing and beautiful. So SinB is really working hard on it.

It's been three days since the last time SinB saw Yerin. Since then, they can just call and message towards each other, because of the busy schedule Yerin have.

Everytime they have a call and message, Yerin is the one who always start ot first. SinB afraid if she's the one who start it, it may disturb Yerin busy schedule.

Deep inside SinB's heart, she miss Yerin a lot.

"Done!", Umji said after she finally done typing the last lines. Hooray!! 🥳

"Urghh... Finally~", Eunha spread her arms wide, stretching herself from the works they've done together almost 3 hours straight.

"SinB-ya are you done yet?", Umji ask SinB who still busy designing their front cover.

"Not yet. Just a bit more~", SinB said then continuing with her work again.


SinB got a message from Yerin. So it must be that Yerin is free right now. Or maybe just a short rest time.

Yerin : SinB-ya where are you right now?

SinB : I'm at the university library. Sorry eonni. We will talk later. Bye~

SinB locked her phone again and trying to focus back on her work. She really need to make it done by today.

"Who?", Eunha ask to SinB after she saw that SinB replied to someone message just now.

"Ahh... Yerin eonni", SinB replied, short.

"Haha talk about that Yerin eonni, I suddenly remembered how Sowon eonni said about her three days ago~", Umji laughing a bit remembering how ridiculous Sowon mind that day.

"Yeah~ Poor SinB when she got back... Slam! She got a hit from Sowon eonni on her butt! Hahahaha", Eunha laughed.

"Hey hey... Stop talking about me. That's not even true tho", SinB said with her cold tone while still doing her work.

SinB told her friends that the day she met that Smoole Yerin, Yerin invited her to her house for a dinner. But then she said that she was too tired to go home so she ask Yerin to stay for the night. What a lie.

"Hahah Sowon eonni is hilarious enought to say that SinB is being catfished by that Yerin HAHAHAHA---" - Eunha

"Who catfished who?", suddenly an unfamiliar voice interrupting their laughing session when they saw a woman already sitting beside SinB with her eye smile. Yerin is wearing her white flu mask again.

"Yerin eonni?!", SinB was startled to death

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Yerin eonni?!", SinB was startled to death.

"This is that Yerin eonni??", Eunh and Umji pointing towards Yerin.

"What are you doing right here?!", SinB ask while looking around her, afraid that someone might saw and recognize Yerin.

"Because I miss you~ Now tell me who catfished SinB?" - Yerin


- TBC -

Yerin u r the one who catfished SinB~ 😏💕
lol Yenni...

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