"Yea, so you'll be at the dinner today, won't you?" Dylan asked.

"What dinner?" I asked.

"You know, the formal, rich-snobs dinner," he said, rolling his eyes. I groaned, hitting my head on the table.


"Same, buddy, same," Dylan grinned. I raised my head and glared at him.

"Buddy? What am I, your dog?"

He raised his hands in surrender. I chuckled and looked at Cedric who was sitting a few seats ahead. Why hadn't he told me about the dinner? He probably didn't know. Just then, the Physics teacher said something about a project. I tuned in, surprised. We almost never had projects for Physics.

"You can choose your pair, and please make sure your project is not some fifth grade lightbulb. Follow the syllabus. You have a week."

Dylan turned to me. "Wanna pair up?"

"Are you sure? Cedric might be a better choice, I suck at Physics."

"But you rock at creativity and this is a project. So stop underestimating yourself and give our names."

I smiled and raised my hand. "Everett and Brown."

Dylan and I walked into the cafeteria and found Cedric and Vivian at our usual place.

"Hey, where's double trouble?" I asked.

"Out of town for a week," Vivi said.


"Some big event," Cedric said, shrugging.

"Wow, that was very clear, thanks," I said rolling my eyes at him. So that meant George and Alexa wouldn't be there for the formal dinner. Bummer. It would be no fun without them.

"Chloe, I don't know how to break this to you, but we have a formal dinner tonight," Cedric said tentatively.

Dylan and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"I know," I said.

"You know?" Cedric asked, confused.

"Then how come you're not irritated?" Vivi asked. I shrugged.

"What could possibly go wrong? I'll go, eat tons without having to worry about my parents, and then I'll come back home," I said.

"I'm definitely coming over today. I can't wait to get you all dolled up!" Vivi said gleefully. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at her malicious enthusiasm. She lowered her voice.

"Guess who's staring at you," she whispered. Cedric, who had been paying no attention to us, looked up, making Dylan look up as well. I looked around and saw Caleb watching me. When my eyes met his, he pinked and fixed his gaze on his food.

"Awww, that's so adorable!" Vivi cooed. I blushed.

"No fucking way," Cedric said. "You and Eaton, nah-ah."

Vivi raised an eyebrow at him. "And why is that?"

"She just broke up with Adrian. What is this, a boyfriend marathon?"

"Don't listen to him, Chlo. I ship you two!" Vivi said. I cleared my throat.

"Um, I don't think so, Vi. I'm really not looking for a relationship right now. I don't need a boy," I said.

"Yea! Way to go, sis!" Cedric cheered while Vivi pouted.


"You have got to be kidding me," Vivi said when she saw the dress I'd suggested I wear for the dinner. She'd brought her dress and makeup and we'd be leaving together.

"Oh come on, it's one of my most comfortable dresses," I protested.

"Comfortable?!" she screeched. "It's from, like, two years ago! And it's Gap!"

I rolled my eyes. "Stop hyperventilating."

"Oh dear lord, I swear you're going to give me grey hair."

"Ok you're being extremely dramatic right now. Why don't you go to my closet and pick a dress yourself?"

She disappeared into my closet and reappeared a few minutes later with a bundle of rich blue fabric in her hands. She held it up to me, grinning excitedly.

"Look! Dolce & Gabbana!"

I shrugged and put it on. Vivian clapped her hands gleefully.

"It looks great on you!"

It was a beautiful dress that showed off my slim figure. It was higher in front and ended just above my knee. There were tiny stones at the waist. The skirt of the dress glittered with what looked like stardust. It really did look great.

Vivian sat me down at my vanity and spent the next half hour doing my hair and makeup. When she was done, I looked quite amazing.

While Vivi dressed and got ready, I went through my perfume collection. I loved perfume. Honestly, one of the best compliments anyone can get is that they smell good. I decided on a Taylor Swift perfume.

"How do I look?" Vivi asked. She was wearing a dark green knee length shimmery dress. It didn't flare out at the waist like mine, but clung to her curves attractively.

"Damn, sexy lady!" I drawled, grinning. She laughed and sat down to do her hair and makeup while I picked a perfume for her. There was a knock on my door.

"Ladies! It's time to go!" Uncle said.

"Five minutes, Uncle!"

I grabbed a dark blue clutch and slipped on silver stilettos. A good ten minutes later, Vivi and I walked downstairs.

"About time, you guys took ridic-" Cedric started but stopped when he saw us.

"Um, you both look... ehm, very nice," he said but was looking at Vivian. I cleared my throat and smirked at him.

"Well, you've cleaned up well too," Vivian said. I rolled my eyes and walked to the limo. I made sure to sit between Cedric and Vivian. I really didn't want to deal with any sexual tension today. And so we rolled to that fateful dinner.

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